Remesh Bad Elements

  The Remesh Bad Elements option has similar options to Remesh Elements, with the difference that only the bad quality elements from the selected elements will be deleted and remeshed. It will not delete all selected elements.

Tip:  To speed the mesh refinement, turn off visibility of Mesh > Subsets in the Display Tree before applying the remesh.

Mesh type

specifies the mesh type.


specifies the elements to remesh.

Surface projection

allows you to project new nodes onto the nearest surface.

Ignore projection

if enabled, projections to curves and points will be ignored when remeshing. If a group of elements that are being remeshed have internal nodes that are projected to curves or points, and if Ignore projection is disabled, the elements will not be able to be remeshed as the projections will be lost.

Note:  It is recommended that Ignore Projection be enabled when remeshing a controlled region of mesh, and to disable it when remeshing bad elements for the entire model.

Quality metric

specifies a quality metric.

Up to quality

specifies the desired quality level.

Max iterations

is the total number of iterations to remesh in order to get the desired quality level.