Mesh Distribution

The mesh distribution for all elements intersected by the line defined by the Start Point and End Point locations will be calculated and displayed in the Mesh Distribution window. Distribution indicates the criterion selected. You can display the distribution for element volume (Volume), average element edge length (Avg Edgelen), minimum element edge length (Min Edgelen), or maximum element edge length (Max Edgelen). The distribution is displayed as a graph where the abscissa (x-axis) indicates the distance of the element centroid (projected onto the line) from the Start Point and the ordinate (y-axis) indicates the selected criterion (Volume, Avg Edgelen, Min Edgelen, or Max Edgelen). This diagnostic is available for linear, tetra, pyramid, penta, and hexa elements.

Figure 421: Mesh Distribution

Mesh Distribution

Figure 421: Mesh Distribution shows an example of the mesh distribution displayed. You can use the left mouse button to zoom a portion of the plotted distribution.

Full range

resets the plot in the Mesh Distribution window to show the full range.


allows you to load the mesh distribution data from a file.


allows you to save the mesh distribution data to a file.


allows you to select the plots to be removed from the Mesh Distribution window.


closes the Mesh Distribution window.

X log

toggles the logarithmic scaling of the x-axis.

Y log

toggles the logarithmic scaling of the y-axis.


allows the use of symbols to mark data.


allows the use of a line to indicate the distribution data.

X grid

toggles the display of grid lines along the x-axis.

Y grid

toggles the display of grid lines along the y-axis.