Delete Mid Side Nodes

  The Delete Mid Side Nodes option allows you to delete mid side nodes. Mid Side Nodes can be deleted from the entire mesh or from selected elements/nodes in two different ways.

Elements or Nodes

Either elements or nodes can be selected.

Selected elements/nodes

If enabled, it allows you to delete mid side nodes from selected elements or to delete selected quadratic nodes.

Convert Quadratic elements to multiple Linear elements

If disabled, this option will simply delete the midside/midface nodes without disturbing any other nodes. If enabled, this option will refine the mesh in such a way that all midside/midface nodes will become mesh nodes.

Keep interface node

This option is used when mid side nodes are deleted from selected elements that are attached to other quadratic elements. If enabled, then the selected elements will become linear, but nodes on the interface of the selected elements and the attached quadratic elements will remain.