Bar (Line Element)

  The Bar (Line Element) option allows you to select two locations to specify a bar (line) element. It is possible to select existing nodes, points, or arbitrary locations on the screen.

From nodes

allows you to select the nodes of the mesh to define new elements. A mesh must be loaded so that nodes can be selected.

From points

allows you to select the points of the geometry to define new elements. A geometry file must be loaded so that points can be selected.

From screen

allows you to select any arbitrary location by clicking on the screen.

From elements

allows you to select any element(s) and line elements will be created for each edge of the element(s).

Inherit parts

if enabled, the created line elements will be added to the same part as the original elements. Otherwise, the line elements will be added to the part specified in the Part field.

From edges

allows you to select elements to define new line elements from their edges.

From curves

allows you to select a curve to define a new line element.

Automatic element creation

automatically creates the element after selecting the point, node, or edge, without requiring confirmation by pressing the middle mouse button.