Import Model Options

Use the Import Model Options for global settings affecting geometry refresh and scaling.

Figure 77: Settings-Import Model Options

Settings-Import Model Options

Always Update Geometry from Source

If enabled, the geometry will always be refreshed, even if nothing is changed. Default is disabled.

Always Import Parts, Sizes from Tetin File

If enabled, the model parts and size information will be extracted from the geometry file. This can help to speed meshing parameter setup for a modified geometry. You can choose which information is imported using the Import Parameter from Tetin file list under Geometry Options.

Default is version dependent:

  • Off for the stand-alone version.

  • On for the data-integrated (Workbench add-in) version.

You can override this setting in the Import Model DEZ.

Always Create Material Points

If enabled, the software will calculate a material point from the imported geometry. Default is enabled.

You can override this setting in the Import Model DEZ.

Note:  When using this option along with Always Import Parts, Sizes from Tetin File, you should be disable Material points, under Settings > Geometry Options, to avoid creating a material point that will not be scaled with imported sizes.

Always use Reference Key for Import of Geometry

If enabled, geometry entity names will be derived from reference keys in the geometry file, improving persistence and making them longer. Default is disabled.

Typically, names of curves and surfaces are short and usually persistent. For certain workflows, parameter changes may cause topology changes (example: splitting an edge into multiple segments), which may affect the geometry entity names causing scripting difficulties.

Always Import Mesh if Model File contains blocking

If enabled, the SpaceClaim geometry will not be converted to a tetin file. Instead, the software will load the existing tetin file from the SpaceClaim file, together with the blocking file, and automatically convert the existing pre-mesh to unstructured mesh.

Note:  This option applies only to SpaceClaim files that contain a blocking.

Import Named Selections only

Used to automatically set a preferred state for the Named Selections only check box in the Import Model DEZ. Default is off.

Always Convert Geometry to Unit

If enabled, the geometry will be converted and scaled to the Unit selected. Default is disabled - units will be read from the imported model file.

You can override this setting in the Import Model DEZ.