Background Style

The Background Style options allow you to select the background style and colors.

Figure 64: Settings-Background DEZ

Settings-Background DEZ

Background Style

allows you to select a solid background, or one of the following gradients: Top-Bottom, Left-Right, or Diagonal.

Background Color

specifies the background color selected from the menu of colors. Click the palette icon to open a separate window with a color map. To select a color from the colormap, move the cross-hairs to the desired color, and use the sliding arrow on the right to select the desired shade. Click a blank square under User colors to make the specified color an option. Click the desired color square and click Apply to select it as the background color.

Background Color2

specifies the second background color selected to form gradients along with the first Background Color.

Show Ansys Logo

enables the use of the Ansys logo in the graphics window.