G.1. List of Summaries

  • ADF

    (Advanced Data Format) The underlying format used for Ansys Forte files up to and including release 18.2.

  • CGNS

    Open source CFD file format used to import geometry for use in automatic meshing. The SIDS data format definition for CGNS is found at CGNS.


    An Ansys Chemkin solution file format that results from a parameter study run in Chemkin and that can be used to populate a 2-D contour plot for use in phi-T map generation.


    Ansys Chemkin look-up table. Ansys Forte has an option to use look-up tables for laminar flame speeds (see Flame-Speed Table Editor).

  • CKS

    Chemistry set file; this is an Ansys Chemkin file. It consists of file paths to chemistry mechanism input files. A chemistry set can be used in multiple projects.

  • CSV

    (Comma Separated Value) ASCII-formatted data file. ANSI is a supported encoding format for .csv files. Other encodings (UTF8, UTF8 BOM, UCS-2 BE BOM, and UCS-2 LE BOM) are not supported.

  • FMSH

    Ansys Forte mesh file; compatible with KIVA-3V mesh-file formats.

  • FTBL

    Structured data file for initial conditions and boundary conditions (see Initial Conditions Table Editor). An ASCII CSV (comma separated value) format file. The first line is the number of manifold dimensions, followed by the names of the manifold dimensions. The third line is the total number of scalars, followed by the names of all of the scalars. Subsequent lines are the corresponding data points in the table, one data point per line. Units are in cgs (centimeter gram second) and mass fractions for composition. See Example 2.1: Excerpt from flame-speed table file demonstrating .cktbl format.


    Ansys Forte index file. Contains a list of the results files generated by each run.


    Ansys Forte IVC session file that saves composition data from the IVC utility.


    Ansys Forte spatially resolved results file format, in CGNS format. This results file contains saved plot and charts properties; it is created by Ansys Forte for a single run and by the Harvester for multiple runs.


    The FTSIM file is the project file that stores all of the Ansys Forte project settings. It is in a CGNS-file format. The SIDS data format definition for CGNS is found at CGNS

  • HDF5

    (Hierarchical Data Format 5) The underlying format used for Ansys Forte files from release 19.0 onwards. See https://www.hdfgroup.org/.


    Export formats for visualized image data. Static image is exported to .png; animation is exported to .gif.

  • SMG

    Sector Mesh Generator replay file extension.

  • STL

    Triangulated surface mesh format used to import geometry for use in automatic meshing.

  • XML

    EXtensible Markup Language file format, a text-based self-documenting file standard. Ansys Forte uses XML for plot replay files for regenerating plots. For details, see http://www.w3.org/XML/