6.2.3. Text Representation of Project Data

To assist in preparing text representations of project data, this section provides an example:

    POINTDEPTH: "SparkRefinement"
      point = {0.0 [cm], 0.04 [cm], 2.38 [cm], "Global Origin"}
      radius = 2.5 [mm]
      size_fraction = "1/8" 
      /* multiline
         comment */
      activation_option = "Always" 
    END  //single line comment

Project elements are divided into sections, with each section beginning with a name followed by a colon. If a section has an id attribute, it is specified as a quoted string following the colon. Sections are terminated with END. Sections are nested within other sections according to the project layout as seen in the Workflow tree in the User Interface. White space (new line, space, tabs) is ignored, except within quoted strings. C-style comments are supported. Single line comments are made with // and block comments can be started with /* and ended with */.

Within a section, project data is specified with key-value pairs. Keys are always one-word strings, with no spaces, and values are one of the following types:

  • Numeric entry: Can be dimensioned or dimensionless. Dimensioned units are given in square brackets: [cm].

  • String value: All string values must be enclosed in quotes.

  • Boolean value: Specified with true or false (no quotes).

  • Null: Null value to indicate a parameter is unset (no quotes).

  • List of other data types: Lists are always enclosed in braces with commas separating elements, as in: { "Patch1", "Patch2" } and may contain any of the other data types, including lists.

Users are free to specify as little or as much project data as they wish, provided all key-value pairs are contained within an appropriate section.