6.2. Command Line Interface

When working in high-performance computing (HPC) environments, users often have limited access to graphics capabilities. Ansys Forte provides a mechanism to view, modify, and prepare runs on remote clusters using a text-based representation of the project data. The forte cli utility is a command-line utility program invoked by adding "CLI" as an argument to the forte.sh (Linux) or the run_forte.bat (Windows) launch script found in the bin directory and is accessible once the appropriate setup script has been run (run_forte_env_setup.bat on Windows or forte_setup.(k)sh on Linux systems).

The workflow most commonly used for the CLI is to prepare your Forte project file and then run it. The steps to accomplish this are described in Run Preparation Using the Command Line Interface.

The steps performed by the CLI include:

  1. Loads a project

  2. Loads a replay file

  3. Loads project data from a text file

  4. Saves the project

  5. Exports project data to a text file

  6. Validates the project

  7. Prepares the project for execution

  8. Prints the project data to the console

Which steps are actually performed depends on the options passed to the utility. The steps are always executed in the order listed above, regardless of the order of the options passed. The options are passed to the utility as arguments with the following conventions:

  • Argument names that are preceded with a single dash require a value specified immediately after a space.


    forte.sh CLI -project myProject.ftsim

  • Argument names that are preceded with two dashes do not require a value; they imply a boolean TRUE value by their presence.


    forte.sh CLI -project myProject.ftsim --prepare -mpi_args 8

    (--prepare is equivalent to -prepare true)

Syntax for file names: Regardless of platform, file names should be specified using a forward slash "/" as a path separator.

Utility usage: Any combination of the steps listed in the primary sequence may be specified; any omitted step will not be performed.