6.5.5. Modeling Boiling, Including Flash Boiling

Assuming that 1) the droplet surface distortion can be neglected so that the droplet maintains its spherical shape, 2) there is no sudden break-up of the droplet due to internal phenomena such as micro-explosions, and 3) the droplet surface temperature remains at the boiling temperature as long as the assumption of equilibrium is valid, a similar formulation to Equation 6–83 is obtained for the boiling process by setting the surface temperature equal to the boiling temperature, T b, and the surface mass fraction to unity. The boiling formulation is written as


where is the coefficient for the contribution of heat transfer by internal circulation at the saturation temperature, α sh is the heat transfer enhancement through the effect of nucleation. The vaporization rate calculated based on Spalding’s mass transfer number (Equation 6–84 ) is no longer valid under these conditions.