5.3. Chemistry Solver Options

One of the major strengths of Ansys Forte is its ability to handle realistic fuel-combustion mechanisms that include large numbers of species and reactions, within simulation times that are practical for design. This is accomplished through a number of unique and proprietary solver components within the Ansys Forte chemistry solver.

The use of large detailed chemical kinetics to model fuel combustion gives rise to a large system of stiff nonlinear ordinary differential equations (ODEs). In traditional CFD solution approaches, this can result in very long CPU times. To overcome this CPU time barrier, Ansys Forte employs several advanced solution strategies that drastically improve the chemistry solution efficiency by two to three orders of magnitude without compromise of accuracy. The solution techniques include a dynamic adaptive chemistry (DAC) method [[48] , [49] ], a dynamic cell clustering (DCC) method [50] and an advanced proprietary sparse-matrix solution methodology developed at Reaction Design. The DAC and DCC methods are enabled by the use of an operator splitting approach to solving the species-conservation and energy equations, which is described in Operator Splitting Method and Parallel Implementation. The DAC and DCC methods are then described in Dynamic Adaptive Chemistry and Dynamic Cell Clustering , respectively.