6.5.2. Governing Equations for Gas Phase

The transport portion of the conservation equation of species in the gas phase is


where v and ρ are the velocity and density of the gas mixture, respectively, and are the mass fraction and diffusion coefficient of species i, and is the source term from vaporization.

Summation of Equation 6–78 gives the species conservation equation for the two-species system (fuel and air) as


where yF is the total mass fraction of fuel species, D is the average diffusion coefficient of the fuel species, and Sg is the total vaporization source term.

The energy conservation equation for the gas phase is


where T is the temperature, is the thermal conductivity, is the mixture specific heat, C PA is the specific heat of air, and is the average value of the product of specific heat and the diffusion coefficient of the fuel species. The last term in Equation 6–80 represents energy transport due to inter-diffusion of species.