35.14. Smooth Mesh Coarsening for the Rapid Octree Mesher

When using the Rapid Octree mesher, you can enable smooth mesh coarsening, which can cause the refined cells to better follow the geometry, and can reduce the overall cell count, as shown in the following figure.

Figure 35.6: Mesh Coarsening Options

Mesh Coarsening Options

To enable smooth mesh coarsening, enable beta features using the /beta yes OK text command, and then use the following text command before meshing:

mesh rapid-octree mesh-sizing smooth-mesh-coarsening?

Note:  When using the smooth mesh coarsening option, the number of transition cells may deviate from the value given by the Volume Transition Exponent setting in the Rapid Octree dialog box. For details on this setting, see Mesh Parameters in the Fluent User's Guide.