34.2. Volume Rendering

In certain cases, you are able to better visualize your flow field variables in the workspace by means of rendering the flow field quantity as a volumetric space. This can be an aid in visualizing the effects of the volume on a particular flow variable.

To create a volumetric rendering, right-click Volume Rendering in the Outline View tree (or the Ribbon) and select New....

 Results Graphics Volume Rendering New...

Once you have made your property settings, click Display to visualize the object in the graphics window. You can also click Save Image to save an image file of the object in the graphics window. Click Delete to remove the object.

34.2.1. Volume Rendering Properties

Allows you to create a new volume rendering object.


Select the field variable that you want to use for creating the volume render.


Select the volume(s) where you want to display the volume render.


Select the quality of the volume render.


Specify the transparencies to be used for different field values.

Alpha Scale

Specify to increase or decrease the transparency with lower values increasing transparency.



Specify the number of clusters in the x-direction.


Specify the number of clusters in the y-direction.


Specify the number of clusters in the z-direction.


Restrict to bounding box

Enable to specify bounding box extents.


Specify the bounding box extents (X Min).


Specify the bounding box extents (Y Min)


Specify the bounding box extents (Z Min)


Specify the bounding box extents (X Max)


Specify the bounding box extents (Y Max)


Specify the bounding box extents (Z Max)


Auto-Compute Range

Select to automatically determine the range of volume render values.

Use Global Range

Select to have the volume render display use data from the entire domain.

Color Map


Select to have the color key displayed along the volume render display.


Specify the number of distinct color intervals in the color scale or keep the default value. Values from 2 to 100 are acceptable, where increments of 10 are recommended.

Color Map

Select a particular volume render color map scheme, or keep the default selection.

Use Log Scale

Select to have the volume render display use a logarithmic scale.


Choose the position of the volume render color map in the graphics window, or use the default value.


Choose the volume render color map presentation of data as general, exponential, or float.


Specify the numerical precision for the volume render color map data.

Show All

Select the skip a certain number of labels (or show all) in the volume render color map.