2.13. File Types

The following describes the type of files generated/loaded/imported by Fluent Icing:

  • Starting Input File


    Fluent case file. Contains the grid and configuration of your Fluent/Fluent Icing simulation.

    *.cas.gz (compressed case file) and *.cas.h5 (HDF / CFF case file) can also be used.

  • Airflow


    *.dat.h5 (the same format as the original case file is used)

    An Airflow file is tied to a case file. Moreover, multiple .dat files can be connected to a single original case file. This occurs when a simulation contains multiple airflow runs.

  • *.soln

    FENSAP solver solution file. Associated to a FENSAP format mesh (*.grid) file.

  • Airflow - Post



  • Particles


    Water droplet solution file. Associated to a FENSAP format mesh (*.grid) file.


    Ice crystal solution file. Associated to a FENSAP format mesh (*.grid) file.


    Vapor solution file. Associated to a FENSAP format mesh (*.grid) file.

  • Ice Accretion


    Ice solution file (can be viewed with map.grid or ice.grid).


    Surface mesh of walls that have been enabled for icing.


    Surface mesh of the ice shape produced by walls that have been enabled for icing

  • FENSAP Legacy Files vs CFF Files

    By default particles and icing solution written by Fluent Icing follow the FENSAP-ICE file format. This format can be read directly by Viewmerical and CFD-Post. A conversion of those files in CFF format is done before post-processing these solutions with Post-Analysis or EnSight.

    Once written in CFF format, meshes have the .cas.fsp suffix, while the solution files are written with the .dat.fsp suffix.

  • Ice Accretion – extra files.


    Mapping file to load a swimsol (areal solution) in Fluent. Automatically loaded/saved alongside a swimsol file. Required for Fluent Icing.


    Roughness profile when beading is enabled.


    Displacement profile that represents the volumetric accretion of ice.

  • Residuals (if Save Convergence to file is enabled in Solution).


    FENSAP airflow convergence.


    FENSAP airflow GMRES residuals.


    Particles convergence.

  • FENSAP grid (if Write FENSAP... grid is selected under FileExport).


    FENSAP grid file. This grid can be used in Viewmerical or CFD-Post to view Particles solution files.

  • multishot


    Files related to the first shot.


    Files related to the second shot.

    And so on.

  • Control files


    Batch mode computation interruption file. See Interrupting a Computation under Fluent Journal Commands.

    cleanup-fluent-*.bat / cleanup-fluent-*.sh

    Script file enabling a kill of the Fluent process and sub processes. This is not required in regular execution mode.

    cleanup-flicing-*.bat / cleanup-flicing-*.sh

    Script file enabling a kill of the Fluent Icing process.

  • Temporary files – Can be safely erased after execution


    Temporary log files for Fluent error conditions.


    File used to connect Fluent Icing to the Fluent server, also generated by running FileApplicationsIcing or FileApplicationsServerStart in Fluent main application.

    .cmd.3dview*, *.3dtmp

    Cache files used by Viewmerical.


    Command file used to launch CFD-Post.


    Temporary grid & solution files used to launch Viewmerical or CFD-Post.