3.16. Python API and Console

3.16.1. Python Console

Many of Fluent Aero's features and settings can be accessed and changed from the console using Python commands.

Many of the commands and settings done in Fluent Aero panels can be recorded to python commands, by using the FileStart Journal menu, and can also be executed through the FileRead Script File… menu.

The same commands can then be used to automate Fluent Aero, by launching it in batch mode, as described in Batch Launching.

Python Console & Operations

The Console window at the bottom right of Fluent Aero permits you to enter commands interactively. The following sections describe example commands available in the Python console.

dir() and the command/attribute list


Display the list of global commands and top-level objects.

'AddSession', 'Project', 'ReadScriptFile', 'Sim', 'StartTranscript', 'StopTranscript', 'csim'


Display the list of commands & attributes of the object.

Example 3.2: Entering Commands Interactively (Assuming airfoil-demo is already loaded) dir(Sim[“airfoil-demo”])


'AeroWorkflow', 'Connect', 'ConnectionInfo', 'Disconnect', ‘SendCommand’

r= csim()

A temporary variable can be used to simplify command lines.


'DomainType', 'DragDir', 'LiftDir', ‘RefArea', 'RefLength', `RefreshBCs’

Accessing/Changing values

The () operator will return the current value of the attribute.

Result: 1

The= operator will set the current value of the attribute.

r.AeroWorkflow.Setup.GeometricProperties.RefArea= 0.05


If an item listed in dir() is a verb, it is a command. For example:


Sample Script

Note:  The following two lines are equivalent when connected to a single simulation, therefore, csim() can be used as a shorthand operation:

  • r = RemoteSession[“RemoteSession1”]

  • r = csim()

3.16.2. Data Structure Hierarchy

Fluent Aero’s object data structure (accessible from the python console) is organized similarly to the object nodes shown in the Outline View. The first level is the simulation session id (example: “RemoteSession1”, or r=RemoteSession[“RemoteSession1”], or r=csim()], followed by the Fluent Aero workflow container object [example: r.AeroWorkflow()]. After that, most of the objects and commands are organized exactly like shown in the Outline View, following the structure:

  • RemoteSession (Simulation)

    • AeroWorkflow

      • Setup

        • GeometricProperties

        • AirflowPhysics

        • SimulationConditions

        • ComponentGroups

      • Solution

        • Files

        • Solve

      • Results

  • Project

  • PostAnalysis

3.16.3. Global Functions API

  • croot ()

    Returns the current RemoteSession. If multiple Fluent connections exist, the current is related to the current selection in the Outline View.

  • csim()

    Returns the croot().Case.App of the current simulation.

  • fcmd(cmd)

    Execute a command in the current remote Fluent session. This can be used to execute Fluent style Text User Interface commands in the Fluent solver.

    Example: fcmd("/define/beta-feature-access yes ok")

  • feval(cmd)

    Execute a command in the current remote Fluent session and return the result. This can be used to execute Fluent style Text User Interface commands in the Fluent solver.

3.16.4. Project API

The project framework is the top level container for all your simulation data, and it is the first thing that must be accessed after opening Fluent Aero. A project must first be created or loaded before any simulation is created, loaded or run. These operations can be preformed from the File menu, or the Project ribbon. However, they can also be performed by using the Project API commands, which can be typed directly into the python console, or loaded from a python journal file. Project operations are defined in the Project object. To use a project API, type Project followed by the command name, [example: Project.close()]. If an operation fails, it will throw an exception. Below is a list of some of the most common Project API commands that can be used.

  • Project

    • new("filename")

      Create a new project file in the specified path/filename, the path must be available. For example, Project.new("/tmp/DEMO") will create /tmp/DEMO.flprj and /tmp/DEMO.cffdb/

    • open("filename")

      Open an existing project file.

    • close()

      Close the current project.

    • erase("filename")

      Erase the specified project, filename.flprj and filename.cffcb folder recursively.

    • isOpen()

      Returns True if a project is currently opened.

    • getURL()

      Returns the project file (.flprj) with full path.

    • getFolder()

      Returns the full path of the project folder (cffdb).

    • openSimulation("name")

      Load the specified simulation, by name, from the current project. Fluent is launched with the default.

    • newAeroWorkflow("file.cas")

      Create a new simulation, importing the case file (.cas or .cas.h5, with path) to the project. This is equivalent to using the ribbon option New Aero Workflow, with default options.

    • saveCase()

      Save the current settings to the case file (similar to FileSave Case)

3.16.5. Post Analysis API (Beta)

When using Fluent Aero in graphical mode (not in pure batch mode), the python environment provides full access to the graphical capabilities of the Post-Analysis module. The PostAnalysis python module offers the related services.

Note:  Journaling capabilities for Post-Analysis are limited, and not all graphical operations will be recorded (camera configuration and movements, viewports, etc.)

Sample Usage

m = PostAnalysis.LoadCase(Filename=”naca.01.cas.h5”)
d = PostAnalysis.LoadResult(Filename1=”out.0001.cas”,Filename2=”out.0002.dat”,FieldName=”Mach”)
PostAnalysis.Dataset[m].Case.Results.Graphics.Mesh["Mesh1"].Options.Edges = True PostAnalysis.Dataset[m].Case.Results.Graphics.Mesh["Mesh1"].Display()
PostAnalysis.DisplaySettings.RestoreView(ViewName="front") PostAnalysis.Dataset[d].Case.Results.Graphics.Mesh["Contour1"].Display()
  • PostAnalysis

    • Init()

      Initialize the post-processing framework (this will open the EnSight process and consume a post-processing license). Automatically invoked as required if LoadCase or LoadResult are used.

    • LoadCase(Filename="file.cas.h5”)

      Loads the specified case or mesh file. The return value is the identifier of the newly loaded dataset and can be used as a key in the PostAnalysis.Dataset[key] index. .cas, and .cas.h5 can be loaded.

    • LoadResult(Filename1="file.cas.h5”,Filename2=”file.dat.h5”)


      Loads the specified case and result. The return value is the identifier of the newly loaded dataset and can be used as a key in the PostAnalysis.Dataset[key] index. The .cas / .dat, .cas.h5 / .dat.h5, .cas.fsp /.dat.fsp must be loaded in matching pairs. If a FieldName is provided, the specified field Dataset (Dictionary of loaded datasets - keys() returns the list of dataset identifiers.

    • Dataset[key].Case.Results

      Object containing the dataset’s graphical elements and their settings. Use the () operator to query the content.

    • DisplaySettings

      Object containing the viewports and their display settings. Use the () operator to query the content, and dir() to get the list of available commands.

    • GlobalScene

      Object containing the scenes and their display settings. Use the () operator to query the content.