3.25. The .fluent File

When starting up, Ansys Fluent looks in your home folder for an optional file called .fluent. If it finds the file, it loads it with the Scheme load function. This file can contain Scheme functions that customize the code’s operation.

The .fluent file can also contain TUI commands that are executed via the Scheme function ti-menu-load-string. For example, if the .fluent file contains

(ti-menu-load-string "file read-case test.cas.h5") 

then Ansys Fluent will read in the case file test.cas.h5. For more details about the function ti-menu-load-string, see Text Menu Input from Character Strings.

Important:  Another optional file, .tgrid, if present, is also loaded at start up. This file may contain Scheme functions that customize the operation of the code in meshing mode. When both the .fluent and .tgrid files are present, the .tgrid file will be loaded first, followed by the .fluent file, when the solution mode is launched. Hence, the functions in the .fluent file will take precedence over those in the .tgrid file for the solution mode.

The .fluent file is not loaded automatically when switching to solution mode from meshing mode. You will need to load the file separately using the Scheme load function, if needed.