Appendix D. Nomenclature

Area (m2, ft2)

Acceleration (m/s2, ft/s2)

Local speed of sound (m/s, ft/s)

Concentration (mass/volume, moles/volume)

Drag coefficient, defined different ways (dimensionless)


Heat capacity at constant pressure, volume (J/kg-K, Btu/lbm- °F)

Diameter; dpDp, particle diameter (m, ft)

Hydraulic diameter (m, ft)

Mass diffusion coefficient (m2/s, ft2/s)

Total energy, activation energy (J, kJ, cal, Btu)

Mixture fraction (dimensionless)

Force vector (N, lbf)

Drag force (N, lbf)

Gravitational acceleration (m/s2, ft/s2); standard values = 9.80665 m/s2, 32.1740 ft/s2


Grashof number ratio of buoyancy forces to viscous forces (dimensionless)

Total enthalpy (energy/mass, energy/mole)

Heat transfer coefficient (W/m2-K, Btu/ft2-h- °F)

Species enthalpy; h0, standard state enthalpy of formation (energy/mass, energy/mole)

Radiation intensity (energy per area of emitting surface per unit solid angle)

Mass flux; diffusion flux (kg/m 2-s, lbm/ft2-s)

Equilibrium constant = forward rate constant/backward rate constant (units vary)

Kinetic energy per unit mass (J/kg, Btu/lb m)

Reaction rate constant, for example, , , , (units vary)

Thermal conductivity (W/m-K, Btu/ft-h- °F)

Boltzmann constant ( J/molecule-K)


Mass transfer coefficient (units vary); also ,

Length scale (m, cm, ft, in)


Lewis number ratio of thermal diffusivity to mass diffusivity (dimensionless)

Mass (g, kg, lbm)

Mass flow rate (kg/s, lbms)

Molecular weight (kg/kmol, lbm/lbmmol)


Mach number ratio of fluid velocity magnitude to local speed of sound (dimensionless)


Nusselt number dimensionless heat transfer or mass transfer coefficient (dimensionless); usually a function of other dimensionless groups

Pressure (Pa, atm, mm Hg, lbf/ft2)


Peclet number for heat transfer, and for mass transfer (dimensionless)


Prandtl number ratio of momentum diffusivity to thermal diffusivity (dimensionless)

Flow rate of enthalpy (W, Btu/h)

Heat flux (W/m2, Btu/ft2-h)

Gas-law constant (8.31447 J/kmol-K, 1.98588 Btu/lbmmol- °F)

Radius (m, ft)

Reaction rate (units vary)


Rayleigh number ; measure of the strength of buoyancy-induced flow in natural (free) convection (dimensionless)


Reynolds number ratio of inertial forces to viscous forces (dimensionless)

Total entropy (J/K, J/kmol-K, Btu/lbmmol- °F)

Species entropy; s0, standard state entropy (J/kmol-K, Btu/lbmmol- °F)


Schmidt number ratio of momentum diffusivity to mass diffusivity (dimensionless)

Mean rate-of-strain tensor (s-1)

Temperature (K, °C, °R, °F)

Time (s)

Free-stream velocity (m/s, ft/s)

Velocity magnitude (m/s, ft/s); also written with directional subscripts (for example, vx, vy, vz, vr)

Volume (m3, ft3)

Overall velocity vector (m/s, ft/s)


Weber number ratio of aerodynamic forces to surface tension forces (dimensionless)

Mole fraction (dimensionless)

Mass fraction (dimensionless)

Permeability, or flux per unit pressure difference (L/m2-h-atm, ft /ft2-h-(lbf/ft2))

Thermal diffusivity (m2/s, ft2/s)

Volume fraction (dimensionless)

Coefficient of thermal expansion (K )

Porosity (dimensionless)

Ratio of specific heats, cp/cv (dimensionless)

Change in variable, final initial (for example, Δp, Δt, ΔH, ΔS, ΔT)

Delta function (units vary)

Emissivity (dimensionless)

Lennard-Jones energy parameter (J/molecule)

Turbulent dissipation rate (m2/s3, ft2/s3)

Void fraction (dimensionless)

Effectiveness factor (dimensionless)


Rate exponents for reactants, products (dimensionless)

Radiation temperature (K)

Molecular mean free path (m, nm, ft)

Wavelength (m, nm, Å, ft)

Dynamic viscosity (cP, Pa-s, lbm/ft-s)

Kinematic viscosity (m2/s, ft2/s)


Stoichiometric coefficients for reactants, products (dimensionless)

Density (kg/m3, lbm/ft3)

Stefan-Boltzmann constant (5.67x10-8 W/m2-K4)

Surface tension (kg/m, dyn/cm, lbf/ft)

Scattering coefficient (m-1)

Stress tensor (Pa, lbf/ft2)

Shear stress (Pa, lbf/ft2)

Time scale, for example, , , (s)

Tortuosity, characteristic of pore structure (dimensionless)

Equivalence ratio (dimensionless)

Thiele modulus (dimensionless)

Angular velocity; , Mean rate of rotation tensor (s-1)

Specific dissipation rate (s-1)

Solid angle (degrees, radians, gradians)

Diffusion collision integral (dimensionless)