3.8. Reading and Writing Boundary Conditions

To save all currently defined boundary conditions to a file, enter the file/write-settings text command and specify a name for the file.

file write-settings

Ansys Fluent writes the boundary and cell zone conditions, the solver, and model settings to a file using the same format as the “zone” section of the case file.

To read boundary conditions from a file and to apply them to the corresponding zones in your model, enter the file/read-settings text command.

file read-settings

Ansys Fluent sets the boundary and cell zone conditions in the current model by comparing the zone name associated with each set of conditions in the file with the zone names in the model. If the model does not contain a matching zone name for a set of boundary conditions, those conditions are ignored.

If you read boundary conditions into a model that contains a different mesh topology (for example, a cell zone has been removed), check the conditions at boundaries within and adjacent to the region of the topological change. This is important for wall zones.

Note:  If the boundary conditions are not checked and some remain uninitialized, the case will not run successfully.

When the file/read-settings text command is not used, all boundary conditions get the default settings when a mesh file is imported, allowing the case to run with the default values.

If you want Ansys Fluent to apply a set of conditions to multiple zones with similar names, or to a single zone with a name you are not sure of in advance, you can edit the boundary-condition file saved with the file/write-settings command to include wildcards (*) within the zone names. For example, if you want to apply a particular set of conditions to wall-12, wall-15, and wall-17 in your current model, edit the boundary-condition file so that the zone name associated with the desired conditions is wall-*.

Note:  The settings file contains only your user-modified settings and does not include default Ansys Fluent parameters. The default parameters may be updated with each new release. Consequently, the usage of the same settings file in different releases of Ansys Fluent does not guarantee the same setup, which can cause solution differences.