A.5. Variables

A variable (or object) is a place in memory where you can store a value. Every variable has a type (for example, real), a name, and a value, and may have a storage class identifier (static or extern). All variables must be declared before they can be used. By declaring a variable ahead of time, the C compiler knows what kind of storage to allocate for the value.

Global variables are variables that are defined outside of any single function and are visible to all function(s) within a UDF source file. Global variables can also be used by other functions outside of the source file unless they are declared as static (see Static Variables). Global variables are typically declared at the beginning of a file, after preprocessor directives as in

#include "udf.h"
 real volume; /* real variable named volume is declared globally */
 DEFINE_ADJUST(compute_volume, domain)
 /* code that computes volume of some zone */
 volume = ....

Local variables are variables that are used in a single function. They are created when the function is called, and are destroyed when the function returns unless they are declared as static (see Static Variables). Local variables are declared within the body of a function (inside the curly braces "{" and "}"). In the example below, mu_lam and temp are local variables. The value of these variables is not preserved after the function returns.

DEFINE_PROPERTY(cell_viscosity, cell, thread)
    real mu_lam;      /* local variable */
    real temp = C_T(cell, thread);  /* local variable */
    if (temp > 288.)
      mu_lam = 5.5e-3;
    else if (temp > 286.)
      mu_lam = 143.2135 - 0.49725 * temp;
      mu_lam = 1.;
    return mu_lam;

A.5.1. Declaring Variables

A variable declaration begins with the data type (for example, int), followed by the name of one or more variables of the same type that are separated by commas. A variable declaration can also contain an initial value, and always ends with a semicolon (;). Variable names must begin with a letter in C. A name can include letters, numbers, and the underscore (_) character. Note that the C preprocessor is case-sensitive (recognizes uppercase and lowercase letters as being different). Below are some examples of variable declarations.

int n;      /* declaring variable n as an integer  */
int i1, i2;    /* declaring variables i1 and i2 as integers */
float tmax = 0.;   /* tmax is a floating point real number
            that is initialized to 0     */
real average_temp = 0.0; /* average_temp is a real number initialized
              to 0.0         */ 

A.5.2. External Variables

If you have a global variable that is declared in one source code file, but a function in another source file needs to use it, then it must be defined in the other source file as an external variable. To do this, simply precede the variable declaration by the word extern as in

extern real volume; 

If there are several files referring to that variable then it is convenient to include the extern definition in a header (.h) file, and include the header file in all of the .c files that want to use the external variable. Only one .c file should have the declaration of the variable without the extern keyword. Below is an example that demonstrates the use of a header file.

Important:   extern can be used only in compiled UDFs.

A.5.2.1. Example

Suppose that there is a global variable named volume that is declared in a C source file named file1.c

#include "udf.h"
 real volume;  /* real variable named volume is declared globally */
 DEFINE_ADJUST(compute_volume, domain)
 /* code that computes volume of some zone */
 volume = ....

If multiple source files want to use volume in their computations, then volume can be declared as an external variable in a header file (for example, extfile.h)

/* extfile.h
 Header file that contains the external variable declaration for
 volume */
 extern real volume; 

Now another file named file2.c can declare volume as an external variable by simply including extfile.h.

/* file2.c
 #include "udf.h"
 #include "extfile.h" /* header file containing extern declaration
       is included */
 /* code that computes the per unit volume source using the total
   volume computed in the compute_volume function from file1.c  */
 real total_source = ...;
 real source;
 source = total_source/volume;
 return source;

A.5.3. Static Variables

The static operator has different effects depending on whether it is applied to local or global variables. When a local variable is declared as static the variable is prevented from being destroyed when a function returns from a call. In other words, the value of the variable is preserved. When a global variable is declared as static the variable is "file global." It can be used by any function within the source file in which it is declared, but is prevented from being used outside the file, even if is declared as external. Functions can also be declared as static. A static function is visible only to the source file in which it is defined.

Important:   static variables and functions can be declared only in compiled UDF source files.

A.5.3.1. Example - Static Global Variable

/* mysource.c /*
 #include "udf.h"
 static real abs_coeff = 1.0; /* static global variable */
  /* used by both functions in this source file but is
   not visible to the outside */
 DEFINE_SOURCE(energy_source, c, t, dS, eqn)
   real source; /* local variable
   int P1 = ....; /* local variable
        value is not preserved when function returns */
   dS[eqn] = -16.* abs_coeff * SIGMA_SBC * pow(C_T(c,t),3.);
   source =-abs_coeff *(4.* SIGMA_SBC * pow(C_T(c,t),4.) - C_UDSI(c,t,P1));
   return source;
 DEFINE_SOURCE(p1_source, c, t, dS, eqn)
   real source;
   int P1 = ...;
   dS[eqn] = -abs_coeff;
   source = abs_coeff *(4.* SIGMA_SBC * pow(C_T(c,t),4.) - C_UDSI(c,t,P1));
   return source;