A.10. Pointers

A pointer is a variable that contains an address in memory where the value referenced by the pointer is stored. In other words, a pointer is a variable that points to another variable by referring to the other variable’s address. Pointers contain memory addresses, not values. Pointer variables must be declared in C using the * notation. Pointers are widely used to reference data stored in structures and to pass data among functions (by passing the addresses of the data).

For example,

int *ip;  

declares a pointer named ip that points to an integer variable.

Now suppose you want to assign an address to pointer ip. To do this, you can use the & notation. For example,

ip = &a;    

assigns the address of variable a to pointer ip.

You can retrieve the value of variable a that pointer ip is pointing to by


Alternatively, you can set the value of the variable that pointer ip points. For example,

*ip = 4;  

assigns a value of 4 to the variable that pointer ip is pointing. The use of pointers is demonstrated by the following:

int a = 1;
int *ip;
ip = &a;    /* &a returns the address of variable a */
printf("content of address pointed to by ip = %d\n", *ip);
*ip = 4;    /* a = 4 */
printf("now a = %d\n", a);

Here, an integer variable a is initialized to 1. Next, ip is declared as a pointer to an integer variable. The address of variable a is then assigned to pointer ip. Next, the integer value of the address pointed to by ip is printed using *ip. (This value is 1.) The value of variable a is then indirectly set to 4 using *ip. The new value of a is then printed. Pointers can also point to the beginning of an array, and are strongly connected to arrays in C.

A.10.1. Pointers as Function Arguments

C functions can access and modify their arguments through pointers. In Ansys Fluent, thread and domain pointers are common arguments to UDFs. When you specify these arguments in your UDF, the Ansys Fluent solver automatically passes data that the pointers are referencing to your UDF so that your function can access solver data. (You do not have to declare pointers that are passed as arguments to your UDF from the solver.) For example, one of the arguments passed to a UDF that specifies a custom profile (defined by the DEFINE_PROFILE macro) is the pointer to the thread applied to by the boundary condition. The DEFINE_PROFILE function accesses the data pointed to by the thread pointer.