6.5. Hooking Dynamic Mesh UDFs

This section contains methods for hooking UDFs to Ansys Fluent that have been defined using DEFINE macros described in Dynamic Mesh DEFINE Macros, and interpreted or compiled using methods described in Interpreting UDFs or Compiling UDFs, respectively.

6.5.1. Hooking DEFINE_CG_MOTION UDFs

After you have compiled (Compiling UDFs) your DEFINE_CG_MOTION UDF, the name of the function you supplied as a DEFINE macro argument will become visible and selectable in the Dynamic Mesh Zones dialog box (Figure 6.114: The Dynamic Mesh Zones Dialog Box).

To hook the UDF to Ansys Fluent, you will first need to enable the Dynamic Mesh option in the Dynamic Mesh task page.

 Setup   Dynamic Mesh   Dynamic Mesh

Next, open the Dynamic Mesh Zones dialog box.

 Setup   Dynamic Mesh Create/Edit...

Figure 6.114: The Dynamic Mesh Zones Dialog Box

The Dynamic Mesh Zones Dialog Box

Select Rigid Body under Type in the Dynamic Mesh Zones dialog box (Figure 6.114: The Dynamic Mesh Zones Dialog Box) and click the Motion Attributes tab. Finally, select the function name (for example, piston::libudf) from the Motion UDF/Profile drop-down list, and click Create then Close.

See DEFINE_CG_MOTION for details about DEFINE_CG_MOTION functions.


The DEFINE_DYNAMIC_ZONE_PROPERTY UDF can be hooked in order to define the following:

  • the swirl center for in-cylinder applications

  • a variable cell layering height Hooking a Swirl Center UDF

After you have compiled your DEFINE_DYNAMIC_ZONE_PROPERTY UDF (as described in Compiling UDFs), the name of the function you supplied as a DEFINE macro argument will become visible and selectable in the In-Cylinder Output Controls dialog box (Figure 6.115: In-Cylinder Output Controls Dialog Box).

To hook the UDF to Ansys Fluent, you must first right-click the General branch of the tree and select Transient from the Analysis Type sub-menu.

 Setup General  Analysis Type Transient

Next, enable the Dynamic Mesh option in the Dynamic Mesh task page.

 Setup   Dynamic Mesh   Dynamic Mesh

Then, enable the In-Cylinder option in the Options group box, and click the Settings button to open the Options dialog box. After you have updated the parameters in the In-Cylinder tab of this dialog box, click the Output Controls... button to open the In-Cylinder Output Controls dialog box (Figure 6.115: In-Cylinder Output Controls Dialog Box).

Figure 6.115: In-Cylinder Output Controls Dialog Box

In-Cylinder Output Controls Dialog Box

Select the UDF library (for example, swirl_udf::libudf) from the Swirl Center Method drop-down list in the In-Cylinder Output Controls dialog box. Click OK and close the In-Cylinder Output Controls dialog box.

See DEFINE_DYNAMIC_ZONE_PROPERTY for further details about DEFINE_DYNAMIC_ZONE_PROPERTY functions. Hooking a Variable Cell Layering Height UDF

After you have compiled your DEFINE_DYNAMIC_ZONE_PROPERTY UDF (as described in Compiling UDFs), the name of the function you supplied as a DEFINE macro argument will become visible and selectable in the Dynamic Mesh Zones dialog box (Figure 6.116: The Dynamic Mesh Zones Dialog Box).

Important:  Since the DEFINE_DYNAMIC_ZONE_PROPERTY UDF is a function of time or crank angle, you must make sure that you have selected Transient from the Time list in the Solver group box of the General task page before proceeding.

To hook the UDF to Ansys Fluent, you will first need to enable the Dynamic Mesh option in the Dynamic Mesh task page.

 Setup   Dynamic Mesh   Dynamic Mesh

Then, enable the Layering option in the Mesh Methods list, and click the Settings... button to open the Mesh Methods Settings dialog box. In the Layering tab, select Height Based from the Options list, and set the Split Factor and Collapse Factor to appropriate values. Then click OK.

Next, specify the meshing options in the Dynamic Mesh Zones dialog box (Figure 6.116: The Dynamic Mesh Zones Dialog Box).

 Setup   Dynamic Mesh Create/Edit...

Figure 6.116: The Dynamic Mesh Zones Dialog Box

The Dynamic Mesh Zones Dialog Box

Select Stationary, Rigid Body, or User-Defined from the Type list in the Dynamic Mesh Zones dialog box. Click the Meshing Options tab, and select the UDF library (for example, nonconst_height::libudf) from the Cell Height drop-down list. Finally, click Create and close the Dynamic Mesh Zones dialog box.


6.5.3. Hooking DEFINE_GEOM UDFs

After you have compiled (Compiling UDFs) your DEFINE_GEOM UDF, the name of the function you supplied as a DEFINE macro argument will become visible and selectable in the Dynamic Mesh Zones dialog box.

To hook the UDF to Ansys Fluent, you will first need to enable the Dynamic Mesh option in the Dynamic Mesh task page.

 Setup   Dynamic Mesh   Dynamic Mesh

Next, open the Dynamic Mesh Zones dialog box (Figure 6.117: The Dynamic Mesh Zones Dialog Box).

 Setup   Dynamic Mesh Create/Edit...

Figure 6.117: The Dynamic Mesh Zones Dialog Box

The Dynamic Mesh Zones Dialog Box

Select Deforming under Type in the Dynamic Mesh Zones dialog box (Figure 6.117: The Dynamic Mesh Zones Dialog Box) and click the Geometry Definition tab. Select user-defined in the Definition drop-down list, and select the function name (for example, parabola::libudf) from the Geometry UDF drop-down list. Click Create and then Close.

See DEFINE_GEOM for details about DEFINE_GEOM functions.


After you have interpreted (Interpreting UDFs) or compiled (Compiling UDFs) your DEFINE_GRID_MOTION UDF, the name of the function you supplied as a DEFINE macro argument will become visible and selectable in the Dynamic Mesh Zones dialog box (Figure 6.118: Dynamic Mesh Zones Dialog Box).

To hook the UDF to Ansys Fluent, you will first need to enable the Dynamic Mesh option in the Dynamic Mesh task page.

 Setup   Dynamic Mesh   Dynamic Mesh

Next, open the Dynamic Mesh Zones dialog box.

 Setup   Dynamic Mesh Create/Edit...

Figure 6.118: Dynamic Mesh Zones Dialog Box

Dynamic Mesh Zones Dialog Box

Select User-Defined under Type in the Dynamic Mesh Zones dialog box (Figure 6.118: Dynamic Mesh Zones Dialog Box) and click the Motion Attributes tab. Select the function name (for example, beam::libudf) from the Mesh Motion UDF drop-down list. Click Create then Close.

See DEFINE_GRID_MOTION for details about DEFINE_GRID_MOTION functions.


After you have interpreted (Interpreting UDFs) or compiled (Compiling UDFs) your DEFINE_SDOF_PROPERTIES UDF, the name of the function you supplied as a DEFINE macro argument will become visible and selectable in the Dynamic Mesh Zones dialog box in Ansys Fluent.

To hook the UDF to Ansys Fluent, you must first right-click the General branch of the tree and select Transient from the Analysis Type sub-menu.

 Setup General  Analysis Type Transient

Next, enable the Dynamic Mesh option in the Dynamic Mesh task page.

 Setup   Dynamic Mesh   Dynamic Mesh

Then, enable the Six DOF option in the Options group box, and open the Dynamic Mesh Zones dialog box (Figure 6.119: The Dynamic Mesh Zones Dialog Box).

 Setup   Dynamic Mesh Create/Edit...

Figure 6.119: The Dynamic Mesh Zones Dialog Box

The Dynamic Mesh Zones Dialog Box

Select Rigid Body under Type in the Dynamic Mesh Zones dialog box (Figure 6.119: The Dynamic Mesh Zones Dialog Box) and click the Motion Attributes tab. Make sure that the On option in the Six DOF group box is enabled, and select the function name (for example, stage::libudf) from the Six DOF UDF/Properties drop-down list. Click Create then Close.


6.5.6. Hooking DEFINE_CONTACT UDFs

After you have compiled (Compiling UDFs) your DEFINE_CONTACT UDF, the name of the argument you supplied as the first DEFINE macro argument will become visible and selectable in the Contact UDF drop-down box of the Contact Detection tab in the Options dialog box of Ansys Fluent.

To hook the UDF to Ansys Fluent, you will must first right-click the General branch of the tree and select Transient from the Analysis Type sub-menu.

 Setup General  Analysis Type Transient

Next, enable the Dynamic Mesh option in the Dynamic Mesh task page.

 Setup   Dynamic Mesh   Dynamic Mesh

Then, select the Contact Detection check box in the Options group box, and click the Settings... button to open the Options dialog box (Figure 6.120: The Options Dialog Box Showing the Contact Detection Tab).

Figure 6.120: The Options Dialog Box Showing the Contact Detection Tab

The Options Dialog Box Showing the Contact Detection Tab

Select the function name (for example, contact_props::libudf) from the UDF drop-down list.

See DEFINE_CONTACT for details about DEFINE_CONTACT functions.