1.5. The .fluent File

When Fluent first starts up, it will look in your home folder for a file called .fluent. If it finds the .fluent file in your home folder it will load it as a Scheme file. Just as UDFs are automatically loaded into Fluent when you read a case file that includes a UDF, Scheme files can be automatically loaded into Fluent each time the program starts by using the .fluent file. The following steps will walk you through the creation and use of the .fluent file. The specific .fluent file created in this example loads in three separate example Scheme files: Schemefile1.scm, Schemefile2.scm, and Schemefile3.scm.

(ti-menu-load-string "file read-journal Schemefile1.scm")
(ti-menu-load-string "file read-journal Schemefile2.scm")
(ti-menu-load-string "file read-journal Schemefile3.scm")
  • The first step is to copy each Scheme file that you want to load each time Fluent starts into your home folder.

  • Next, you must open a new blank document in a basic text editor such as Notepad. In this blank document, you will add one line for each Scheme file you want to load when Fluent starts. These lines are Scheme commands that use the Fluent Text User Interface (TUI) to load each Scheme file accordingly. The example Scheme lines above would allow the .fluent file to load the Scheme files Schemefile1.scm, Schemefile2.scm, and Schemefile3.scm. The ti-menu-load-string portion of the command is a call to load the string that follows into the Fluent TUI. The string begins with file read-journal which tells Fluent to read in the Scheme file that follows. For more information on the Fluent TUI, see the Ansys Fluent Users Guide.

  • Finally, you must save the document in your home folder with the name .fluent. Be aware that some text editors will force you to change the document type from the default type to All Files (*.*) before allowing you to define your own document type. Windows machines generally do not allow document names to begin with a period. In order to get around this problem, you must add a second period at the end of the name. For example, .fluent. would be the name you want to enter when you create your .fluent file. When you click save, you may receive a warning about your chosen filename depending on the text editor you are using. You should simply ignore this warning. When the document saves, it should remove the second period and name the file .fluent instead.

  • You should now have all your desired Scheme files and a completed .fluent file in your home folder. From now on each Scheme file should be automatically be read in each time Fluent is started.

Note:  Be aware that Scheme files are read into Fluent in the order that they are requested in the .fluent file. Therefore, if one Scheme file creates a menu item for a dialog box that is defined in a different Scheme document, you should be sure to read in the Scheme file that defines the dialog box before you read in the Scheme file that creates the menu item for it. For more information on this issue, see the following: