2.3. Tables (cx-create-table)

This section describes how you can format an interface in Fluent using one or more tables.

2.3.1. Description

Tables are used in dialog boxes as a means to organize the various elements on the interface. Tables use the standard row/column style of organization to provide a simple way of formatting interface elements. Multiple tables can be added to the same dialog box in order to create groups of interface elements that are separate from others. Tables are created by using the cx-create-table macro. Once the table has been created, it can then be used as the parent attribute of other interface elements.

2.3.2. Usage

(cx-create-table parent label border below right-of)

parentobjectThe name of the dialog box that you are adding the integer entry field to
labelstringThe name of the table to be displayed on the GUI, can be left blank if no name is needed
bordersymbol/booleanIndicates the presence of visible borders in the table
belowsymbol/intVertical position on the dialog box
right-ofsymbol/intHorizontal position on the dialog box
rowsymbol/intRow number if the table is being added to another table
columnsymbol/intColumn number if the table is being added to another table

Note:  The border, below, right-of, row, and column attributes are optional.

2.3.3. Examples

Tables are used in every example in part two of this guide. To see examples of multiple tables used in a larger interface, see Comprehensive Examples.