1.2. Limitations

This section is about the limitations involved with creating your own interface in Fluent.

1.2.1. Menu Items Read Into Fluent Cannot Be Removed Or Overwritten

It is important to note that any Scheme file that includes a new menu or menu item being added to the right of the Fluent ribbon tabs cannot be removed once it is read into Fluent. This problem does not exist for Scheme files that do not include a menu item that opens your GUI. If your Scheme file does not add a menu item to a menu that you have already created, you can always make changes to the Scheme file and save it before you read it in again. In this case, you can use the cx-show-panel to open the most recent version of the GUI you read into Fluent. If your Scheme file does include a menu item to open your interface at will, then that menu item is not removable from Fluent once it is read in.

Furthermore, the menu item cannot be overwritten by reading in the same file twice. If you try to make changes to your Scheme file and then read it in again, you will simply have two menu items of the same name that refer to the two versions of your interface that you have loaded into Fluent. Since having different interfaces of the same name can become confusing extremely quickly, it is recommended that if you are trying to make changes to a Scheme file that includes a menu item to open your interface, you should simply close and re-start Fluent in order to remove any former versions of your interface from the program. For more information on adding menus or menu items to the right of the Fluent ribbon tabs, see Adding Menus to the Right of the Ribbon.

1.2.2. Help Button Unusable

Dialog boxes have a built-in Ansys Help button that appears at the bottom of the interface. Since the interface you are creating is not registered by Fluent, the Help button will not work. If you click Help, the Ansys Help opens and generates the error message Cannot find requested page.