4.1. Adding a New Menu

This section describes how you can add a new menu to the right of the Fluent ribbon tabs.

4.1.1. Description

This section discusses adding new menu to the right of the Fluent ribbon tabs using the cx-add-menu. macro.

4.1.2. Usage

(cx-add-menu name mnemonic)

namestringName of the Menu
mnemoniccharThis is a placeholder. The only mnemonic is Alt + F for the File menu.

Note:  Mnemonics are not available for user-defined menus, however you must still provide a value for this field, for example #f.

Note:  The names of menus and submenus should be unique to avoid conflict when adding menu items. If two menus/submenus of the same name do exist, a menu item being added to that name will be added to the last menu/submenu to be created.

4.1.3. Examples

Since all of the menu macros are best shown and implemented together, see Example Menu Added to the Right of the Ribbon Tabs for examples of menus being added to the right of the Fluent ribbon tabs.