12.11. Particle–Wall Impingement Heat Transfer Theory

When a liquid particle impinges a wall, the particle may deform and remain in direct contact with the wall for a short period of time before rebounding. During this time, heat is exchanged between the particle and the wall.

For droplet-to-wall heat transfer calculations, the Ansys Fluent discrete phase model assumes that the droplet deforms to a cylinder when impacting the wall (see Figure 12.16: Geometric Parameters of Deformed Impinging Droplet in Heat Transfer Calculations).

Figure 12.16: Geometric Parameters of Deformed Impinging Droplet in Heat Transfer Calculations

Geometric Parameters of Deformed Impinging Droplet in Heat Transfer Calculations

Then the heat transfer from the wall to the droplet is given as:



= droplet particle mass (kg)

= droplet specific heat (J/kg/K)

= particle temperature (K)

= effective particle-wall contact area (m2)

= particle center-point to wall distance (m)

= droplet thermal conductivity (W/m/K)

= wall temperature (K)

The effective particle-wall contact area is calculated by time-averaging the particle-wall contact area assuming a sinusoidal particle diameter variation from 0 to the maximum spreading diameter during contact period [65]. The maximum spreading diameter is computed according to [11] as:




= droplet diameter before impact (m)

= Impact Weber number

The contact time is calculated as [65]:



= constant with the default value of 0.4

= particle density (kg/m3 )


= surface tension (N/m)

The heat exchange between the wall and the particle is calculated by integrating Equation 12–349 over the contact time . The increase of the droplet temperature is limited by the boiling point.

For each wall face, the particle-to-wall energy transfer is computed by summing the energy contributions from all particle parcels hitting the wall face and is then added to the heat flux of the wall.