23.6.2. Global Time Step Method

The global time step formulation for the pseudo time method is only compatible with steady-state cases that use the pressure-based coupled solver or the density-based implicit solver. It uses a single pseudo time step size for the whole simulation domain. You have the option of specifying the pseudo time step size or you can have Ansys Fluent calculate it automatically; the automatically calculated value can be further modified if you specify a time scale factor other than 1. Ansys Fluent allows you to use a different time step size for the fluid domain and the following solid domains:

  • Solid zones

  • Porous zones

  • Solidification and melting model

The automatic time step is calculated as follows:

  • Fluid Time Scale

    The automatic fluid time scale for fluid zones () is calculated using the minimum of the different time scales:


    where , , , , , and represent the convection, dynamic, buoyancy, gravitational, rotational, and compressible time scales.

    Depending on the physics of the problem and applicability of the previously mentioned time scales, they may be used for computing the global pseudo time step size. Each time scale can be obtained by dividing a representative velocity scale by a representative length scale .

    The convective time scale is calculated as:


    where the velocity is the maximum of the arithmetic average of the velocity at the domain boundary faces, and is the arithmetic average of the velocity over the cells in the domain. For the VOF and mixture models, the average velocity is calculated using the velocity in interfacial cells only.

    The dynamic time scale is calculated as:


    where the velocity scale is based on the pressure difference at open boundaries, such as pressure inlet, pressure outlet or velocity inlet, and is defined by the following:


    where is the maximum pressure value at the open boundary, is the minimum pressure value at the open boundary, and is the average density over the domain.

    When using the Boussinesq buoyancy model, the buoyancy time scale is calculated as:


    where is the magnitude of the gravitational vector (that is, ), is the thermal expansion coefficient, and and are the maximum and minimum temperatures, respectively.

    For the full (non-Boussinesq) buoyancy model, the gravitational time scale is calculated as:


    where and are the maximum and minimum mixture densities, respectively, and is the average of the phase densities.

    For cases with rotational velocities, the rotational time scale is calculated as


    where is the maximum of the magnitude of the angular velocity vector (that is, ).

    If the simulation Mach number is greater than 0.3, then the compressible time scale is obtained from the following formula:


    The simulation Mach number is computed as


    where is the average speed of sound over all cells.

    Two length scale calculation methods are available: aggressive and conservative. If the aggressive length scale method is applied, then the length scale in all of the equations shown previously are defined as


    On the other hand, if the conservative length scale method is applied, then the length scale is defined as


    where the volumetric length scale is defined as


    and the domain length scale is defined as


    where is the volume of the domain and () are the domain extents in the x, y, and z direction, respectively.

  • Solid Time Scale

    The automatic solid time scale for solid zones, porous zones, and the solidification and melting model is assumed to be infinite (1e20 s); however, this value can be reduced by reducing the time scale factor for the solid zones.

For details on applying the automatic time step for the global time step method, refer to Global Time Step Method Settings in the User’s Guide.