12.8. Wall-Jet Model Theory

The wall-jet boundary condition provides a range of rebound directions and velocities when a liquid droplet collides with a wall. It is suitable for situations where droplets impact a hot wall, where no liquid film is formed, but the droplets reflect or stick on the wall depending on their impact properties. The direction and velocity of the droplet particles are given by the resulting momentum flux, which is a function of the impingement angle, , and Weber number. See Figure 12.6: "Wall Jet" Boundary Condition for the Discrete Phase.

Figure 12.6: "Wall Jet" Boundary Condition for the Discrete Phase

"Wall Jet" Boundary Condition for the Discrete Phase

The wall-jet type boundary condition assumes an analogy with an inviscid jet impacting a solid wall. Equation 12–202 shows the analytical solution for an axisymmetric impingement assuming an empirical function for the sheet height () as a function of the angle that the drop leaves the impingement ().


where is the sheet height at and is a constant determined from conservation of mass and momentum. The probability that a drop leaves the impingement point at an angle between and is given by integrating the expression for


where is a random number between 0 and 1. The expression for is given in Naber and Reitz [468] as


Fluent uses a simplified expression for computing from Equation 12–204.