12.15.1. Theory

The DPM capabilities allow you to simulate moving particles as moving mass points, where abstractions are used for the shape and volume of the particles. Note that the details of the flow around the particles (for example, vortex shedding, flow separation, boundary layers) are neglected. Using Newton's second law, the ordinary differential equations that govern the particle motion are represented as follows:



The DEM implementation is based on the work of Cundall and Strack [126], and accounts for the forces that result from the collision of particles (the so-called "soft sphere" approach). These forces then enter through the term in Equation 12–489. The forces from the particle collisions are determined by the deformation, which is measured as the overlap between pairs of spheres (see Figure 12.27: Particles Represented by Spheres) or between a sphere and a boundary. Equation 12–489 is integrated over time to capture the interaction of the particles, using a time scale for the integration that is determined by the rigidity of the materials.

Figure 12.27: Particles Represented by Spheres

Particles Represented by Spheres

The following collision force laws are available:

  • Spring

  • Spring-dashpot

  • Hertzian

  • Hertzian-dashpot

  • Friction

  • Rolling friction

The size of the spring constant of the normal contact force for a given collision pair should at least satisfy the condition that for the biggest parcels in that collision pair and the highest relative velocity, the spring constant should be high enough to make two parcels in a collision recoil with a maximum overlap that is not too large compared to the parcel diameter. You can estimate the value of the spring constant using the following equation:


where is the parcel diameter, is the particle mass density, is the relative velocity between two colliding particles, and is the fraction of the diameter for allowable overlap. The collision time scale is evaluated as , where is the parcel mass (defined by ) The Spring Collision Law

For the linear spring collision law, a unit vector () is defined from particle 1 to particle 2:


where and represent the position of particle 1 and 2, respectively.

The overlap (which is less than zero during contact) is defined as follows:


where and represent the radii of particle 1 and 2, respectively.

The force on particle 1 () is then calculated using a spring constant that you define (and that must be greater than zero):


and then by Newton's third law, the force on particle 2 () is:


Note that is directed away from particle 2, because is less than zero for contact. The Spring-Dashpot Collision Law

The spring-dashpot collision law is a linear spring force law as described previously, augmented with a dashpot term described below.

For the spring-dashpot collision law, you define a spring constant as in the spring collision law, along with a coefficient of restitution for the dashpot term (). Note that .

In preparation for the force calculations, the following expressions are evaluated:






where is a loss factor, and are the masses of particle 1 and 2, respectively, is the so-called "reduced mass", is the collision time scale, and are the velocities of particle 1 and 2, respectively, is the relative velocity, and is the damping coefficient. Note that , because .

With the previous expressions, the force on particle 1 can be calculated as:


is calculated using Equation 12–495. The Hertzian Collision Law

The Hertzian collision law [240] is a nonlinear collision law. Using the same notations as in the section The Spring Collision Law, the force on particle 1 can be described as:


Here, the constant is calculated from the respective Young’s Moduli and of the two colliding particles and their Poisson’s ratios and :


The Young’s Modulus has units of Pascals and is normally in the range of 1 GPa to a few 100 GPa. The Poisson ratio is a dimensionless constant in the range of -1 to 0.5.

is calculated using Equation 12–495. The Hertzian-Dashpot Collision Law

The Hertzian-dashpot collision law is a nonlinear collision force law as described in the section The Hertzian Collision Law augmented with the same dashpot term as in the linear spring-dashpot collision law (see The Spring-Dashpot Collision Law). That is, Equation 12–502 is modified as follows:


is calculated using Equation 12–495. The Friction Collision Law

The friction collision law is based on the equation for Coulomb friction ():


where is the friction coefficient and is the magnitude of the normal to the surface force. The direction of the friction force is opposite to the relative tangential motion, and may or may not inhibit the relative tangential motion depending on the following:

  • the size of the tangential momentum

  • the size of other tangential forces (for example, tangential components from gravity and drag)

The friction coefficient is a function of the relative tangential velocity magnitude ():

  • :

  • :

  • :



is the sticking friction coefficient


is the gliding friction coefficient


is the high velocity limit friction coefficient


is the gliding velocity — for lower velocities, is interpolated quadratically between and


is the limit velocity — for higher velocities, approaches


is a parameter determining the how fast approaches

For an example of a plot of , see Figure 12.28: An Example of a Friction Coefficient Plot.

Figure 12.28: An Example of a Friction Coefficient Plot

An Example of a Friction Coefficient Plot Rolling Friction Collision Law for DEM

The rolling friction collision law is an extension of the friction collision law (The Friction Collision Law) based on the equation for Coulomb friction ():


where is the rolling friction coefficient, and is the magnitude of the force that is either normal to the particle surface or pointing from one particle center to another. The rolling friction force acts only on the local torque at the particle-particle or particle-wall contact point. This force may or may not inhibit the relative angular velocity, depending on the size of the relative torque. DEM Parcels

For typical applications, the computational cost of tracking all of the particles individually is prohibitive. Instead, the approach for the discrete element method is similar to that of the DPM, in that like particles are divided into parcels, and then the position of each parcel is determined by tracking a single representative particle. The DEM approach differs from the DPM in the following ways:

  • The mass used in the DEM calculations of the collisions is that of the entire parcel, not just that of the single representative particle.

  • The radius of the DEM parcel is that of a sphere whose volume is the mass of the entire parcel divided by the particle density. Cartesian Collision Mesh

When evaluating the collisions between parcels, it is too costly to conduct a direct force evaluation that involves all of the parcels. Consider that for parcels, the number of pairs that would need to be inspected for every time step would be on the order of . To address this issue, a geometric approach is used: the domain is divided by a suitable Cartesian mesh (where the edge length of the mesh cells is a multiple of the largest parcel diameter), and then the force evaluation is only conducted for parcels that are in neighboring mesh cells, because particles in more remote cells of the collision mesh are a priori known to be out of reach. See Figure 12.29: Force Evaluation for Parcels for an illustration.

Figure 12.29: Force Evaluation for Parcels

Force Evaluation for Parcels