22.6.1. Momentum Exchange

Figure 22.1: Fiber Grid Penetrating Grid of the Gas Flow

Fiber Grid Penetrating Grid of the Gas Flow

Momentum transfer from the fibers to the surrounding fluid is computed in Ansys Fluent by considering the change of momentum of the fiber as it crosses each control volume in the Ansys Fluent model. It is computed as




= density of the fluid


= diameter of the fiber


= length of the fiber in cell


= velocity of the fiber


= velocity of the fluid, parallel to the fiber


= velocity of the fluid, lateral to the fiber


= drag coefficient parallel to the fiber


= drag coefficient lateral to the fiber


= evaporated mass flow rate of the solvent in the fiber

This momentum exchange appears as a momentum source in the surrounding fluid momentum balance and is taken into account during every continuous phase computation. It can be reported as described in Exchange Terms of Fibers.