22.9.1. Fiber Viscosity

Fibers are treated as Newtonian fluids. In elongational flow of Newtonian fluids, the elongational viscosity (or sometimes called Trouton viscosity) is related to the zero shear viscosity by a factor of 3. Because this approach is applied to the computation of melt and dry spun fibers, only the zero shear viscosity is described. Melt Spinning

In melt spinning, the fiber is considered to be liquid until its temperature falls below the solidification temperature . For the liquid state an exponential approach is used, see Equation 22–35.


where , , , and are user-specified constants.

Below this temperature the value given in the material dialog box for the fiber polymer material is used. Typically, a high value like is used for the fiber viscosity to simulate a solid fiber. This value may depend on your polymer and the range of viscosity values in your simulation. You can use every profile available in the materials dialog box except UDF’s to describe temperature dependency of the viscosity of the solidified fiber.

The fiber model uses a blending interval for the temperature to provide a smooth transition of the viscosity between liquid and solid state of the fiber. The viscosity in this blending interval is computed as


Important:  The chosen values of the blending interval may influence the results. Values for the blending interval should be adapted to the rheological data of the polymer. Dry Spinning

In dry spinning, the following approach is used to consider the effect of solvent on the zero shear viscosity:


In this equation, is considered to be the degree of polymerization as it is used by Ohzawa [487]. , , , , , and are user-specified constants.