Chapter 5: Text Command Changes in Ansys Fluent 2024 R2

The following sections list the text command changes in Ansys Fluent 2024 R2.

5.1. Meshing Mode

Changes to each of the text command menus are listed. Note that a modified text command may have new, revised, and/or removed prompts, while a new text command is one that did not exist in previous releases of the meshing mode of Ansys Fluent.

mesh-coarsening-exponent (Deleted)

This text command is replaced by mesh/rapid-octree/mesh-sizing/volume-transition-exponent.

surface-coarsening-layers (Deleted)

This text command is replaced by mesh/rapid-octree/mesh-sizing/surface-transition-layers.

surface-transition-layers (New)

Sets the minimum number of layers of constant-size cells that are added to the layer adjacent to the surfaces of the geometry. These cells are generally isotropic, with the dimensions determined by the surface mesh.

volume-transition-exponent (New)

Controls the transition from fine cells near the surfaces to the coarse cells deeper in the fluid volume. Enter 0 for the fastest possible transition, or higher numbers for a slower transition; as the value increases, so too will the thickness of cell layers of the same size at each stage of the transition. The number of layers at each intermediate stage of coarsening will be at least 2 to the power of the number you enter here.

5.2. Solution Mode

Changes to each of the text command menus are listed. Note that a modified text command may have new, revised, and/or removed prompts, while a new text command is one that did not exist in previous releases of Fluent.

detect-boundary-advection (New)

Reviews the boundary walls adjacent to solid zones that involve solid motion, and automatically enables the modeling of boundary advection where needed, in order to account for the heat that advects into or out of the domain due to the solid motion. Boundary advection is enabled for a wall when the average angle of the velocity of the solid is greater than 2 degrees at the wall. This text command is only available when the energy equation is enabled and solid motion is enabled for a solid zone with a nonzero velocity.

delete-cell-by-mark (New)

Deletes cells that are marked by a specified cell register, creating one boundary zone of type symmetry for each cell zone at the faces that the deleted cells shared with their neighboring cells. This text command is not supported with overset meshes or shell conduction walls.

model-setup (Changed)

For cases with solid zones, a prompt for enabling the CHT coupling has been added.

set/ (Changed)

For the define/boundary-conditions/set/wall text command, when the energy equation is enabled and it is a boundary wall adjacent to a solid zone with solid motion, a new setting is available that allows you to enable boundary advection, in order to account for the advection of heat into or out of the domain due to the solid motion.

wall (Changed)

When the energy equation is enabled and it is a boundary wall adjacent to a solid zone with solid motion, a new prompt appears that allows you to enable boundary advection, in order to account for the advection of heat into or out of the domain due to the solid motion.

change-create (Changed)

For a gas-phase mixture material with particle reactions, you can now select the thermolysis reaction model.

set-one-to-one-pairing-tolerance (Changed)

A Length factor prompt is now included as part of this text command, which allows you to further adjust the tolerances used to pair boundary zones for mesh interfaces. The default value of 1 for this prompt produces the same results as those obtained when using adjustable tolerances with release 2024 R1.

create-manually (New)

Creates mesh interfaces by pairing all of the possible combinations between two specified groups of boundary zones, even if the zones do not currently overlap. This can be useful for setting up sliding mesh simulations. This text command is only available when the define/mesh-interfaces/one-to-one-pairing? text command is enabled.

venting-model (New)

Allows you to enable the venting model and specify its parameters (see Battery Venting Model in the Fluent Theory Guide for details).

create-injection (Changed)

For multicomponent particle cases, immiscible-not-vaporizing has been renamed as none, while its behavior remains unchanged. As a result, the options for defining the vaporizing species now include the fluid materials of the gas-phase mixture and none.

heat-exchange (Changed)

This command is now available for cases that include multicomponent particles that do not contain evaporating species. In previous releases, it was available only for cases with inert or combusting particles.

use-diameter-interpolation-between-classes? (New)

Enables/disables linear interpolation of particle diameters between neighboring diameter classes.

enable-risk-analysis? (New)

Enables/disables the SCR urea deposition risk analysis.

set-liquid-properties (New)

Specifies viscosity and surface tension of the deposited urea-liquid by-products.

customization (New)

Allows you to hook up your DEFINE_ELECTROLYSIS_ECHEM_RATE and DEFINE_ELECTROLYSIS_RELATIVE_PERMEABILITY user-defined functions only if you previously compiled and loaded UDF library. See DEFINE_ELECTROLYSIS_ECHEM_RATE and DEFINE_ELECTROLYSIS_RELATIVE_PERMEABILITY in the Fluent Customization Manual for more information.

electrolyte (Changed)

Prompts have been added for specifying the electric conductivities of the anode and cathode catalyst layers.

model-options (Changed)

The total current or total voltage of a cell or stack can now be specified using expressions.

model-options (Changed)

  • A new prompt for enabling the ice phase has been added. The prompt will appear for transient simulations only.

  • The total current or total voltage of a cell or stack can now be specified using expressions.

model-parameters (Changed)

Prompts for setting parameters for the ice phase model have been added. They will appear only if the ice phase has been enabled.

particle-reactions? (New)

Enables/disables particle reactions.

motion-definitions/ (New)

Enters the motion definitions menu, where you can manage motion definitions.

add (New)

Adds a new motion definition. After you enter a name for the definition, you can define the following settings:

  • name

    This allows you to revise the name of the definition.

  • ref-frame

    This allows you to specify the reference frame for the definition. You can use the default global reference frame, or specify a local reference frame definition that you have previously set up using the define/reference-frames text command menu.

  • rigid-body-motion-definition

    This provides the following settings that define the motion for a rigid body dynamic mesh zone.

    • rotation

      This allows you to define the axis and speed of the rotation. For 3D cases, you can define the rotation axis components in the coordinate directions through the x, y. and z settings; for 2D cases, the axis direction is the positive Z direction. Then you can provide a value for the speed, which is defined using the right-hand rule with respect to the defined axis. Each of these settings can be defined as a constant value, an expression, an input parameter, or a named expression.

    • translation

      This allows you to define the translation velocity components in the coordinate directions. You can define x, y, and (for 3D cases) z components. These settings can be defined as a constant value, an expression, an input parameter, or a named expression.

delete (New)

Deletes a specified motion definition.

edit (New)

Edits an existing motion definition. After you enter the name of the definition you want to edit, you can edit the following settings:

  • name

    This allows you to revise the name of the definition.

  • ref-frame

    This allows you to specify the reference frame for the definition. You can use the default global reference frame, or specify a local reference frame definition that you have previously set up using the define/reference-frames text command menu.

  • rigid-body-motion-definition

    This provides the following settings that define the motion for a rigid body dynamic mesh zone.

    • rotation

      This allows you to define the axis and speed of the rotation. For 3D cases, you can define the rotation axis components in the coordinate directions through the x, y. and z settings; for 2D cases, the axis direction is the positive Z direction. Then you can provide a value for the speed, which is defined using the right-hand rule with respect to the defined axis. Each of these settings can be defined as a constant value, an expression, an input parameter, or a named expression.

    • translation

      This allows you to define the translation velocity components in the coordinate directions. You can define x, y, and (for 3D cases) z components. These settings can be defined as a constant value, an expression, an input parameter, or a named expression.

list (New)

Lists all of the motion definitions in the console.

list-properties (New)

Lists the settings for a specified motion definition in the console.

heat-coeff (Changed)

The lavieville-et-al interphase heat transfer coefficient has been renamed to time-scale, for which a new prompt has been added to set the return-to-saturation time scale value.

mass-transfer (Changed)

For the Kocamustafaogullari-Ishii bubble departure model, a new prompt has been added to set the bubble contact angle.

display-profile-point-cloud-data (Changed)

There is an additional prompt asking if you want to enable viewing of profile field contours. If enabled, there is another prompt asking which field you want to visualize.

backwardcompatibility/ (New)

Enters the backward compatibility menu related to General Turbo Interface.

pre-24r2-mp-discretization (New)

Reverts to pre-2024 R2 behavior for mixing plane discretization where turbulence quantities might hit certain system limits.

nps-minimize-po-loss (New)

Minimizes total pressure loss across a NPS interface with large pitch difference.

create (Changed)

Vector plots now allow for the control of 3D vector tessellation.

edit (Changed)

Vector plots now allow for the control of 3D vector tessellation.

activate-env-ground-shadow? (New)

Displays the shadow cast by the displayed object due to the lights defined in Fluent and the environment lighting.

activate-env-ground? (New)

Locks the displayed object's location in the environment, so that when the model is rotated, it appears at the same place. This takes the boundless environment and makes it finite.

env-light-ground-height (New)

When display/raytracer/background/activate-env-ground? is enabled, this setting allows you to modify the mid-point of the environment, which can help mitigate the distortion that may appear due to the environment being spherical.

ground-shadow-axis (New)

When display/raytracer/background/activate-env-ground? and display/raytracer/background/is-ground-shadow-at-fix-axis? are enabled, this setting allows you to specify which direction is opposite to gravity, which is the plane perpendicular to the ground, where the shadows should appear.

is-ground-shadow-at-fix-axis? (New)

When display/raytracer/background/activate-env-ground? is enabled, this controls whether or not the plane where the shadows appear is locked to be at the positive or negative X, Y, or Z plane. If this option is enabled, the plane shadow plane is controlled by display/raytracer/background/ground-shadow-axis.

model-scale (New)

Controls the scale of the displayed object within the environment.

mirror-zones (Deleted)

This command is hidden but still functional, to avoid breaking journals/scripts. It is replaced by display/views/mirror-zones.

cgns-familyname (New)

Controls whether or not family names (FamilyName_t) are exported to CGNS.

cgns-separate-cellzones (New)

Controls whether Fluent exports separate CGNS zone_t for each cell zone.

write-selected-defined-profiles (New)

Writes out the specified profiles that are defined in the current case.

add (Changed)

When adding a cell register of the field-value type, the following new option is available for the derivative field: hessian. This option allows you to calculate a Hessian-based error indicator for a field variable, which can be useful when creating a cell register to use as part of mesh adaption for an external aerodynamic simulation.

edit (Changed)

When editing a cell register of the field-value type, the following new option is available for the derivative field: hessian. This option allows you to calculate a Hessian-based error indicator for a field variable, which can be useful when creating a cell register to use as part of mesh adaption for an external aerodynamic simulation.

combined-hessian-indicator (New)

Creates cell registers and defines an adaption criterion based on an error indicator that includes the Hessian of several flow fields (pressure, temperature, velocity, density, and turbulence, when each is applicable). It is suitable for use across a range of Mach numbers, and can target key areas for adaption in cases with a variety of different scales and flow phenomena.

mach-hessian-indicator (New)

Creates cell registers and defines an adaption criterion based on an error indicator that includes the Hessian of the Mach number. It targets adaption for a wider range of Mach number flows compared to the pressure-hessian-indicator, while being based on only a single scalar value for the input field, in contrast to the multiple flow fields used in the combined-hessian-indicator. The mach-hessian-indicator text command is only available if the density of the fluid material is defined using the ideal gas law or a real gas model.

add (Changed)

A new reconstruction selection is available for the type setting, which allows you to specify that the shape is a smooth background model reconstructed from the current node coordinates of one or more specified boundary zones.

edit (Changed)

A new reconstruction selection is available for the type setting, which allows you to specify that the shape is a smooth background model reconstructed from the current node coordinates of one or more specified boundary zones.

delete-cell-by-mark (New)

Deletes cells that are marked by a specified cell register, creating one boundary zone of type symmetry for each cell zone at the faces that the deleted cells shared with their neighboring cells. This text command is not supported with overset meshes or shell conduction walls.

optimize/ (New)

Enter the optimization menu where you can set optiSLang-specific optimization methods and their various properties.

print-to-console/ (New)

Enters the print-to-console menu where you can manage settings for automatically creating optimized design points for your parametric study.

active-and-inactive (New)

Prints the currently active and inactive design points.

algorithm (New)

Prints the current optimization algorithm.

algorithm-settings/ (New)

Enters the menu that controls the printing of your optimization algorithm settings to the console.

consider-failed-designs (New)

Prints the value of the Consider Failed Designs field.

iteration-number-of-samples (New)

Prints the value of the iteration-based Number of Samples field.

iteration-sampling-type (New)

Prints the value of the iteration-based Sampling Type field.

max-iterations (New)

Prints the value of the convergence criteria-based Maximum Iterations field.

max-number-of-samples (New)

Prints the value of the Maximum Number of Samples field.

refinement-number-of-samples (New)

Prints the value of the refinement-based Number of Samples field.

refinement-sampling-type (New)

Prints the value of the refinement-based Sampling Type field.

refinement-type (New)

Prints the value of the Refinement Type field.

stagnation-iterations (New)

Prints the value of the convergence criteria-based Stagnation Iterations field.

target-cop (New)

Prints the value of the convergence criteria-based Target CoP field.

criteria (New)

Prints the current criteria that have been defined.

results-csv-path (New)

Prints the current file name and location of the CSV file that contains the results of the optimized parametric study.

run-optimization (New)

Prints a summary of your current optimization settings, prompting you to confirm whether or not you want to run the optimization with the current settings.

set/ (New)

Enters the menu where you can set your optimization properties.

algorithm (New)

Specify the optimization algorithm.

algorithm-settings/ (New)

Enter the menu for setting specific optimization algorithm properties.

consider-failed-designs (New)

Sets the value of the Consider Failed Designs field.

iteration-number-of-samples/levels (New)

Sets the value of the iteration-based Nunber of Samples/Levels field.

iteration-sampling-type (New)

Sets the value of the iteration-based Sampling Type field.

max-iterations (New)

Sets the value of the convergence criteria-based Maximum Iterations field.

max-number-of-samples (New)

Sets the value of the settings-based Maximum Number of Samples field.

refinement-number-of-samples (New)

Sets the value of the refinement-based Number of Samples field.

refinement-sampling-type (New)

Sets the value of the refinement-based Sampling Type field.

refinement-type (New)

Sets the value of the settings-based Refinement Type field.

target-cop (New)

Sets the value of the convergence criteria-based Target CoP field.

criteria (New)

Specify a criteria to add, delete, or edit for your optimization study.

lower-and-upper-bounds (New)

Specify the lower and upper bounds of your input parameters.

results-csv-path (New)

Specify the location and file name for the CSV file that will hold the results of your optimization study.

set-parameter-as-active-or-inactive (New)

Specify the value of your input parameters and whether or not they will be active or inactive.

calc-exchange-data-on-zone-types (New)

Enables the collection of detailed information about DPM evaporated mass for selected zone types. Zone type choices include "none", "lagr-wall-film-zones", "cell-zones" (for free-stream particles), and "all-zones".

enable-exch-details-in-dpm-summ-rep? (New)

Enables/disables printing the detailed per-zone information about DPM evaporated mass in DPM extended summary reports. This option is automatically enabled once report/calc-exchange-data-on-zone-types is set to anything other than "none".

add (Changed)

When adding a cell register of the field-value type, the following new option is available for the derivative field: hessian. This option allows you to calculate a Hessian-based error indicator for a field variable, which can be useful when creating a cell register to use as part of mesh adaption for an external aerodynamic simulation.

edit (Changed)

When editing a cell register of the field-value type, the following new option is available for the derivative field: hessian. This option allows you to calculate a Hessian-based error indicator for a field variable, which can be useful when creating a cell register to use as part of mesh adaption for an external aerodynamic simulation.

energy/ (New)

Enters the energy controls menu for the multiphase model.

phasic-wall-heat-flux-form? (New)

Activates phasic wall heat fluxes in the VOF/Mixture multiphase models for proper reporting of wall heat fluxes at the wall boundaries.

nb-gradient-improved-symmetry-periodic? (New)

Enables the improved symmetry and periodic boundary formulations for the node-based gradient.

solid-time-step-size (Changed)

If the loosely coupled conjugate heat transfer option is enabled, this text command no longer provides a prompt asking if you want to Choose Automatic time stepping?, because in such circumstances only user-specified solid time stepping is permitted.

apply-mirror-planes (New)

Controls whether and how graphics displays are mirrored. That is, you can choose from existing symmetry boundaries and defined mirror planes (views/mirror-planes/create). Enter () on the first prompt to remove any applied mirror planes.

create (New)

Creates a new mirror plane.

delete (New)

Deletes a user-defined mirror plane.

list (New)

Lists the available user-defined mirror planes.

list-properties (New)

Lists the properties of the specified user-defined mirror plane. Specifically, it lists the coefficients, distance and whether the plane is currently applied.

mirror-zones (New)

Sets the zones about which the domain is mirrored (symmetry planes).