1.4. FENSAP-ICE System

FENSAP-ICE is a 3D, state-of-the-art, complete, modular, design and aid-to-certification simulation system conceived to provide enhanced aerodynamic and in-flight icing protection solutions in a cost-effective manner. FENSAP-ICE distinguishes itself by its ability to unify CFD to in-flight icing physics and therefore brings a comprehensive and robust methodology to the aerospace industry.

FENSAP-ICE addresses five major aspects of in-flight icing: airflow (CFD), droplets impingement limits and shadow zones, ice shapes, aerodynamic degradation and anti- and de-icing heat loads. It is compatible with widely-used CAD-based mesh generators and other Ansys CFD codes, therefore enhancing workflow, has no geometric limitations and is applicable to aircraft, rotorcraft, UAVs, jet engines, nacelles, probes, detectors and installed systems. FENSAP-ICE runs on a wide variety of computer platforms, ranging from PCs and workstations to massively parallel machines.

FENSAP-ICE is a system containing six main modules that form a complete, versatile, flexible in-flight icing system: is a system containing six main modules that form a complete, versatile, flexible in-flight icing system:

  • FENSAP: 3D Finite Element Navier-Stokes Analysis Package

  • OptiGrid: 3D mesh adaptation and CAD reconstruction tool

  • DROP3D: 3D finite element Eulerian water droplet impingement solver

  • ICE3D: 3D finite volume ice accretion and water runback solver

  • CHT3D: 3D Conjugate Heat Transfer solver, including C3D for heat conduction

FENSAP-ICE-TURBO 3D Solvers tailored to handle turbomachinery applications:

  • FENSAP-TURBO: 3D Finite Element Navier-Stokes Analysis Package for rotor/stator

  • DROP3D-TURBO: 3D finite element Eulerian water droplet/ice crystal impingement solver for rotor/stator

  • ICE3D-TURBO: 3D finite volume ice accretion and water runback solver for rotor/stator

An advanced Graphical User Interface (GUI) links these modules seamlessly. Each module is compatible with unstructured and hybrid grids (hexahedral, tetrahedral, pyramid and prism elements), the same grid being shared by all the modules during the analysis process. Furthermore, high quality mesh- and user-independent results can easily be obtained with Ansys automatic mesh optimizer OptiGrid.

Compatibility with 3D CFD codes technology also enhances productivity by capitalizing on the wealth of CFD data (meshes and solutions) generated during aerodynamic design, therefore lowering the incremental cost of any icing analyses. Finally, output for different commercial data visualization packages is provided and the built-in automatic data archival system simplifies and enhances extensibility, repeatability, and traceability of results.

1.4.1. Flow Solver (FENSAP)

The complete analysis of an in-flight icing problem typically begins with an airflow solution over a clean geometry and ends with a series of airflow solutions over a contaminated geometry to assess the performance degradation caused by ice build-up.

FENSAP solves the steady and unsteady compressible 3D Navier-Stokes equations. The fluid may be inviscid or viscous, in which case the flow may be laminar or turbulent, turbulence being modeled by one-equation or two-equation models. The heat fluxes at walls, of paramount importance for glaze icing, can be computed directly with second order accuracy by re-solving the energy equation on the solid surfaces.

Additionally, for propeller-driven aircraft, helicopter or tiltrotor geometries, a flow-through actuator disk can model the important propeller wake effects in a cost-effective manner. For more accurate predictions, unsteady rotor-fuselage interactions can be computed by considering fixed and rotating grid domains and by automatically stitching the two grids together after each rotor displacement.

1.4.2. Mesh Adaptation and CAD Reconstruction (OptiGrid)

OptiGrid is a comprehensive, automatic mesh adaptation and CAD reconstruction software which helps achieve the most accurate CFD simulations at the lowest computational cost. OptiGrid works in a fully-coupled manner with FENSAP and Fluent, or by using the generic file format introduced in this manual.

One of the most important features of OptiGrid lies in its innovative CAD reconstruction functionality, allowing mesh adaptation on grids generated by different mesh generators. A simple graphical interface allows you to regenerate the CAD automatically from the initial surface grid, and to define boundary conditions (such as symmetry and periodicity) before mesh adaptation.

OptiGrid assesses the mesh quality on each individual element edge, via a posteriori error estimator, given a solution on an initial mesh. Subsequently, OptiGrid systematically modifies the mesh in order to equalize the error to the given target throughout the solution domain. The grid is adapted by moving nodes, refining and coarsening edges, for example adding and removing grid points, and swapping edges. All operations are edge-based and therefore OptiGrid can be coupled with any finite volume or finite element flow code that uses unstructured meshes composed of any combination of hexahedral, tetrahedral, prismatic and pyramidal elements. The strength of OptiGrid lies in its ability to yield anisotropic (stretched) meshes which are able to capture high-resolution, three-dimensional features such as shocks, boundary layers, wakes, vortices and slip lines while fully respecting the reconstructed CAD.

Finally, OptiGrid can be used as a mesh smoothing tool before any calculations to set the desired number of grid points provided by you and align cells with the curvature of the surfaces.

1.4.3. Water Droplet/Ice Crystal Impingement (DROP3D)

DROP3D is the 3D Eulerian (one-shot) water droplet/ice crystal impingement module of the FENSAP-ICE system. DROP3D works seamlessly in conjunction with FENSAP, Fluent and CFX or accepts flow solutions from other CFD codes of equivalent capabilities. It handles impingement for both external and internal flows.

DROP3D solves fine-grain partial differential equations for particle velocity and water concentration. DROP3D therefore provides, in a single shot, water concentration, droplet velocity vectors, water catch efficiency distributions, impingement patterns, shadow zone characteristics and impingement limits over the entire domain without the laborious iterative procedure of seeding droplets at injection points.

DROP3D can also be used for a wide variety of other demanding situations where particles are suspended in a carrier fluid, such as screens, pollutant dispersal, collection and condensation rates on HVAC components, etc.

1.4.4. Ice Accretion and Water Runback (ICE3D)

ICE3D is the 3D ice accretion module of the FENSAP-ICE system, also based on fine-grain partial differential equations for the complex thermodynamics of ice formation. It yields 3D ice shape, water film thickness and surface temperature on any number of complex 3D surfaces.

ICE3D can output the displaced 3D grid after ice accretion. Performance degradation due to ice accretion can be easily computed by simply restarting FENSAP on this new grid. The 3D ice shape is also saved in .stl and TETIN CAD formats to allow manual grid re-generation after each ice accretion period.

1.4.5. Conjugate Heat Transfer (CHT3D, C3D)

CHT3D is the 3D Conjugate Heat Transfer (CHT) module of the FENSAP-ICE system that couples airflow convection (from FENSAP) and heat conduction through solids (from C3D) for dry-air heat transfer calculations and, in conjunction with DROP3D (droplets impact) and ICE3D (ice accretion), for wet-air anti-icing calculations. CHT3D can also be operated in steady or unsteady de-icing modes, and also provides three different levels of fidelity, depending on the application and the tradeoff between execution time and the required accuracy.

CHT3D is applicable to a wide variety of other demanding fluid-solid interface heat transfer situations, such as piccolo tubes embedded in wing leading edges, engine nacelle leading edge heating, electro-thermal heating, gas turbine blade cooling, heat dissipation in car or airplane brakes, automotive engine cooling and casting processes. Icing Simulations

The modular approach of the FENSAP-ICE system allows you to easily investigate the impact of various parameters on icing. When considering a change in a given parameter in an existing simulation, the following tables show which calculations (tasks) must be repeated to obtain a new prediction. Table 1.4: Influence of Various Parameters on Unprotected Icing Simulations summarizes the influence of various parameters for unprotected components icing calculations. Table 1.5: Influence of Various Parameters on Thermal Ice Protection Simulations shows the tasks required for thermal ice protection simulations. It should be noted that Table 1.4: Influence of Various Parameters on Unprotected Icing Simulations is a subset of Table 1.5: Influence of Various Parameters on Thermal Ice Protection Simulations for the external domain.

For example, assuming that a CHT calculation was performed for a piccolo tube system, changing the piccolo jet temperature alone requires a repeat of the internal flow and CHT3D calculation, as shown in Table 1.5: Influence of Various Parameters on Thermal Ice Protection Simulations. On the other hand, a change in incidence or true airspeed means repeating all external domain calculations, for example FENSAP, DROP3D and ICE3D and repeating the CHT calculation. The initial internal flow calculation, however, can be reused as the basis for the new CHT calculation and does not need to be recomputed.

Note:  The examples above consider only a change in a single parameter while everything else remains constant. If a parameter change affects other conditions, for example a change in OAT that affects engine mass flow, true airspeed, and bleed temperature, then these parameters must also be considered to decide which calculations must be repeated.

Table 1.4: Influence of Various Parameters on Unprotected Icing Simulations

Parameters/TasksFENSAP ExternalDROP3DICE3D
True Airspeed (TAS)
Outside Air Temperature (OAT)  

Table 1.5: Influence of Various Parameters on Thermal Ice Protection Simulations

ParametersFENSAP ExternalDROP3DICE3DMESH InternalFENSAP InternalCHT3D
True Airspeed (TAS)  
Outside Air Temperature (OAT)   
Piccolo jet mass flow    
Piccolo jet temperature    
Spent air exit pressure    
Piccolo hole size & pattern   
Skin material     
Electric heater on/off cycle