Chapter 7: Command Objects in Explicit Dynamics

Using a Commands object in an Explicit Dynamics system is similar to using it in a Mechanical system. You can insert a commands object from the Insert group of the Home tab of the Explicit Dynamics system, or by inserting it from the right-click menu (Insert > Commands) when the Explicit Dynamics system is selected in the Outline.

For information on beta command objects in Explicit Dynamics systems, see Command Objects for SPH Settings.

The following are the differences from the Mechanical Commands object:

  • You can only insert the Commands object under an Explicit Dynamics system in the Outline.

  • There is a fixed set of Explicit Dynamics Commands that can be used in the Commands object. Mechanical APDL commands cannot be used in an Explicit Dynamics Commands object.

The general format of a command is <Keyword>,<arg1>,<arg2>,…,<arg10>

The number of arguments varies per command. The values are separated with commas without spaces. Command input is case-insensitive. If an unsupported or improperly formatted command is entered in the Commands window, the solve will stop and you will get an "unrecognized command" error.

The input does not support arithmetic operations on numerical values or any type of expression.