12.2. Preparing the Geometry for Use in the Drop Test Wizard

Ensure that your geometry meets the following criteria in order for it to work properly with the Drop Test Wizard.

  • Before running the Drop Test Wizard, the geometry must be up-to-date. Therefore, all bodies need to have a material assigned and all shell bodies need to have a thickness assigned.

  • The geometry should not contain construction geometries, as construction geometries will not rotate with the remaining user geometry.

  • Any point or distributed masses, and connections such as joints and springs defined on the user geometry need to be defined on associative coordinate systems (see Establishing Origin for Associative and Non-Associative Coordinate Systems for more information). Otherwise, these objects will not rotate with the user geometry when any rotations are defined using the Drop Test Wizard or the Rotate Geometry object.

  • Any imported objects, which are dependent on the location and orientation of the geometry (for example, imported element orientations), will not automatically be transformed by the Part Transform object.

    Imported objects, which support transformations via coordinate systems must be set up to transform using a coordinate system, which is associated to the geometry in order for the Part Transform transformation to also be applied to the imported data. If the imported object does not support this type of transformation, it must not be used when defining non-zero geometry rotations using the Drop Test Wizard.

  • It is important to ensure that the mesh is not in a Read Only state. This means that the Drop Test Wizard is not supported for geometries with imported thicknesses from ACP.