4.1.4. Explicit Dynamics Damping Controls

Linear Artificial Viscosity  A linear coefficient of artificial viscosity. This coefficient smooths out shock discontinuities over the mesh. Using a value other than the default is not recommended.YesYes
Quadratic Artificial Viscosity  A quadratic coefficient of artificial viscosity. This coefficient damps out post shock discontinuity oscillations. Using a value other than the default is not recommended.YesYes
Linear Viscosity in Expansion  Artificial viscosity is normally applied to materials in compression only. This option allows you to apply the viscosity for materials in compression and expansion.

This field is not available for LS-DYNA.

Linear Artificial Viscosity For SPH Specify the linear coefficient of artificial viscosity for SPH. No No
Quadratic Artificial Viscosity For SPH Specify the quadratic coefficient of artificial viscosity for SPH. No No
Artificial Viscosity for Shells  Apply artificial viscosity to all shell elements in addition to solid elements.

This field is not available for LS-DYNA.

Hourglass Damping AUTODYN Standard The method of hourglass damping to be used with solid hexahedral elements. The AUTODYN Standard option is available For 2D analyses only.YesYes
Flanagan Belytschko
Stiffness Coefficient  The Stiffness Coefficient for Flanagan Belytschko hourglass damping in solid hexahedral elements.NoYes
Viscous Coefficient  The viscous coefficient for hourglass damping used in hexahedral solid elements and quadrilateral shell elements.YesYes
Static Damping  A static damping constant may be specified which changes the solution from a dynamic solution to a relaxation iteration converging to a state of stress equilibrium. For optimal convergence, the value chosen for the damping constant, R, may be defined by: R = 2*timestep/T where timestep is the expected average value of the timestep and T is longest period of vibration for the system being analyzed. The Static Damping is step aware. This allows the solution to be damped during a step in the solution.YesYes