5.4. Query/Plotter


EnSight provides several ways to examine information about variable values. You can, of course, visualize variable values with fringes, contours, vector arrows, profiles, isosurfaces, etc. This section describes how to query variables quantitatively:

Over Distance

EnSight can query variables at points over distance for the following information:

  • variable values inside Parts at evenly spaced points along a straight line

  • variable values inside Parts at the nodes of a different 1D Part

Over Time

EnSight can query variables over time for the following information:

  • minimum and maximum variable values for Parts

  • variable values at any number of sample times at any point inside of a Part or at any labeled node or element.

Over-time queries can report actual variable values, or Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) spectral values at the positive FFT frequencies.

Variable vs. VariableEnSight can produce a scatter plot of one variable vs. another.
Operations on

EnSight can scale query values and/or combine one set of query values with another set to produce a new set of values.

EnSightEnSight can import query values from external files.

5.4.1. Query Candidates

Only Parts with data residing on the Server host system may be queried. Therefore, Parts that reside exclusively on the Client host system (i.e. contours, particle traces, profiles, vector arrows) may NOT be queried.

(see Created Parts).

Clicking once on the Query icon opens the Feature Panel for Query/Plots. This editor is used to both create and edit queries and plots. Plots can be selected in the graphics window by left click, and multiple items can be selected by holding down Ctrl while left clicking. Selection is also available via the Plots/Queries list panel. Upon selection of a query or plot, the Quick Action Icon Bar shows attributes that can be edited. Right-click selection in both areas provide a menu of options for editing, creating, and access to the full Feature Panel.

The Plots/Queries panel gives a user modifiable view of the plots and queries that already exist. The toggles, in the Show column, turn visibility on/off, whereas the other column items are display only. Selection is accomplished via right and left mouse buttons. Multiple disjoint items can be selected by holding Ctrl as the mouse is clicked and multiple sequential items by holding the Shift. Double-click displays the Feature Panel. Any item currently in edit mode will display a pencil icon near it.

Figure 5.102: Plots/Queries Panel

Plots/Queries Panel

Figure 5.103: Feature Panel - Query Tab

Feature Panel - Query Tab

Query Tab

Query creation


This is the title for the query. You can provide it, edit it, etc. A default one is created if you do not provide one. The title needs to be unique, therefore, if you enter a string that is already used by another query object, EnSight will automatically rename your query by adding a ->> 000X index to it.


This menu contains the types of queries that can be created. Selecting one of these changes the interface to display controls related to the type. These will be discussed individually in subsequent sub-sections.

At Line Tool Over Distance

queries at uniform points along the line tool.

At 1D Part Over Distance

queries at the nodes of a 1D part.

At Spline Over Distance

queries along an existing spline.

At Node Over Time

queries at a node over a range of times.

At Element Over Time

queries at an element over a range of times.

At IJK Over Time

queries at an IJK location over a range of times.

At XYZ Over Time

queries at the x, y, z location over a range of times.

At Minimum Over Time

queries the minimum of a variable over a range of times.

At Maximum Over Time

queries the maximum of a variable over a range of times.

By Part Element Representation

creates a scatter plot of the variables selected for the part selected. The nodal or elemental variable is queried on the element representation of the part.

By Scalar Value

queries two variables at a given int(scalar variable value).

By Constant on Part Sweep

queries a constant variable over the range, of the swept part.

By Operating on Existing Queries

forms new query by scaling and/or combining existing ones.

Read From an External File

imports previously saved or externally generated queries. (This can be EnSight XY data format or MSC Dytran .ths files.)

Query display

Legend title

The title/name/description of the query legend. By default this inherits the Query Creation Desc(ription). This text field allows the query legend description to be changed.

Plot on Plotter's Y axis

The options are:

  • Auto

    Will plot the query against the left Y axis if the units match. If they don't match it will try the Y right axis. If this doesn't match the query will not be shown on this plotter.

  • Left

    Plot the query against the left Y axis. Even if the query does not match units.

  • Right

    Plot the query against the right axis even if the query does not match units. However - you can not plot against the Y right axis unless something is plotted against the Y left axis, that is, you can not display a plotter that shows only a Y right axis.

X/Y Scale

Scale factor for query values in X and or Y

X/Y Offset

Offset for query values in X and or Y

Line width

Line width for the query.

Line style

Line style for the query, solid, dotted, or dashed.

Line type

Line type for the query, none, connect the dots, or smooth.

Smooth sub-points

When line type is smooth, this controls the smoothness.

Marker type

The type of the marker along the query. None, dot, circle, triangle, or square.


Scale factor for the marker.

Normalize values X/Y

Toggles to normalize the query values, or not.


Color of the query line.


To use the color selector to set the color values.

Marker attributes


Toggles the visibility of the marker showing the location for the query. For distance queries, a sphere marker will be shown indicating the beginning location for the query.


The size of the sphere marker. The value is a scale factor. Values larger than 1.0 will scale the marker up, while values less than 1.0 (but greater than 0.0) will scale the marker down.


The red, green, and blue color for the marker.


Opens the Color Selector to specify the color of the marker.

Auto Plot queries

When toggled ON, newly created queries will automatically be plotted as well.

Limited redraw

When toggled ON, all plots will be shown (invisible plots show translucently and will not change).

Create Query

Creates the query according to the specified options and values.

Reselect parts

Updates the query to use the currently selected parts in the Part list.

Quick Action Icons for Queries

When a query is selected, the following Quick Action Icons are available in the tool ribbon:

With and without icon labels:


Control color of selected query in color dialog that comes up.

Curve line width

Select common line widths for selected curve.

Curve line style

Select the line style for the selected curve.

Curve line type

Select the line type for the selected curve.

Curve marker type

Select the marker type for the selected curve.

Right-click options for Queries

Several things can be accomplished by right-clicking on a query in the Plots/Queries panel. Many of them are duplicates of what can be done in other ways. But a couple of them are worth noting here.



This will display the results (including the min and max values) of the selected query in a window.

Copy to Clipboard

Will copy the query data to the clipboard. (Same as hitting the Copy to Clipboard button under Display).

Save CSV to File

Opens the File Selection dialog for specification of filename to save as a .csv file.

Save XY to File

Opens the File Selection dialog for specification of filename to save in a generic format which could be used to export the information to a different plotting system.

Save Formatted to File

Opens the File Selection dialog for specification of filename to save in the same format as the Display option shows. At Line Tool Over Distance

Figure 5.104: Query/Plot Editor - At Line Tool Over Distance

Query/Plot Editor - At Line Tool Over Distance

Variable: 1

A list of variables that can be chosen for the query. Choose one variable. If plotted, this variable will be plotted along the Y-Axis.

Variable: 2

If you leave this blank, DISTANCE will be the default X- Axis variable. If you choose a variable from the list, a scatter plot query will result, and the X-Axis will be the variable you have chosen.


A menu of choices that control the distance parameter.

Arc Length

The distance along the part from the first node to each subsequent node (i.e. the sum of the 1D element lengths).

X Arc Length

The X coordinate value of each node accumulated from the start.

Y Arc Length

The Y coordinate value of each node accumulated from the start

Z Arc Length

The Z coordinate value of each node accumulated from the start.

From Origin

The distance from the origin.

X from Origin

The X distance from the origin.

Y from Origin

The Y distance from the origin.

Z from Origin

The Z distance from the origin.


For queries over Distance using the Line Tool, this field specifies the number of equally spaced points to query along the line.

Tool Location...

Brings up the Transformation Editor (Line Tool) dialog for feedback and manipulation of the location of the line tool. At 1D Part Over Distance

Figure 5.105: Query/Plot Editor - At 1D Part Over Distance

Query/Plot Editor - At 1D Part Over Distance

Note:  The 1D part to use for the query must be selected from the Part's list. The query of the chosen variable will be created starting at the 1D part origin (or the lowest node ID number, or the first node in the connectivity list) and will automatically proceed by following the connectivity order. The order of the query cannot be changed, but it can be reversed in the plotter, if desired.

Variable: 1

A list of variables that can be chosen for the query. Choose one variable. If plotted, this variable will be plotted along the Y-Axis.

Variable: 2

If you leave this blank, DISTANCE will be the default X- Axis variable. If you choose a variable form the list, a scatter plot query will result, and the X-Axis will be the variable you have chosen.


A menu of choices that control the distance parameter.

Arc Length

The distance along the part from the first node to each subsequent node (i.e. the sum of the 1D element lengths).

X Arc Length

The X coordinate value of each node accumulated from the start.

Y Arc Length

The Y coordinate value of each node accumulated from the start

Z Arc Length

The Z coordinate value of each node accumulated from the start.

From Origin

The distance from the origin.

X from Origin

The X distance from the origin.

Y from Origin

The Y distance from the origin.

Z from Origin

The Z distance from the origin.

Multiple segments by

When the selected 1D part contains more than one contiguous segment, these are handled by:


Each segment's query is appended to the previous. Therefore a plot of this query will be one extended curve, but the extents of individual segment may not be obvious.

Reset Each

Each segment's query is treated like it is independent. Therefore a plot of this query will appear as several curves.

Query Origin...

Brings up the Query Origin Adjustment dialog for feedback and manipulation of the location of the query origin.

Figure 5.106: Query Origin Adjustment Dialog

Query Origin Adjustment Dialog

Orig XYZ

Coordinates of the location to use for query origin determination. The endpoint closest to the origin specified will be used as the origin of the query, that is, where distance is zero. If the 1D part is s closed loop (i.e. there are no end points), the closest point on the loop is used as the "origin".

Jump To Next Endpoint

When multiple segments are present, clicking this button jumps to the beginning of the next segment, placing that location in to the Orig XYZ fields.

Get Cursor Tool Location

Places the current cursor tool location into the Orig XYZ fields so that point can be used as the query origin. At Spline Over Distance

Figure 5.107: Query/Plot Editor - At Spline Over Distance

Query/Plot Editor - At Spline Over Distance

Note:  The 1D part to use for the query must be selected from the Part's list.

Variable: 1

A list of variables that can be chosen for the query. Choose one variable. If plotted, this variable will be plotted along the Y-Axis.

Variable: 2

If you leave this blank, DISTANCE will be the default X- Axis variable. If you choose a variable form the list, a scatter plot query will result, and the X-Axis will be the variable you have chosen.


A menu of choices that control the distance parameter.

Arc Length

The distance along the part from the first node to each subsequent node (i.e. the sum of the 1D element lengths).

X Arc Length

The X coordinate value of each node accumulated from the start.

Y Arc Length

The Y coordinate value of each node accumulated from the start

Z Arc Length

The Z coordinate value of each node accumulated from the start.

From Origin

The distance from the origin.

X from Origin

The X distance from the origin.

Y from Origin

The Y distance from the origin.

Z from Origin

The Z distance from the origin.


Pick a Spline.

Spline location...

This will pop up the Transformation Editor for Splines. See Use the Spline Tool for more information on Spline Tools. At Node Over Time

Figure 5.108: Query/Plot Editor - At Node Over Time

Query/Plot Editor - At Node Over Time

Variable: 1

A list of variables that can be chosen for the query. Pick one variable. If plotted, this variable will be plotted along the Y-Axis.

Variable: 2

If you leave this blank, TIME will be the default X- Axis variable. If you choose a variable form the list, a "scatter plot" query will result, and the X-Axis will be the variable you have chosen.


Specifies how many evenly timed moments over the specified range of time steps at which to query (if left blank, you get a sample point at each time step). If you specify more or fewer sample points than the number of time steps, EnSight linearly interpolates between the adjoining time steps. If query is an FFT sampling, the number of frequencies output will be less than or equal to the number of sample points.

Node ID

Specifies a node ID.

Beg/End Time...

Informs you that Begin/End time can be set in the solution time player panel.

Sample By

Opens a pop-up menu for specification of how to report values for Over Time queries. Options are:


reports values versus time.


reports FFT spectral values versus FFT positive frequencies. At Element Over Time

Figure 5.109: Query/Plot Editor - At Element Over Time

Query/Plot Editor - At Element Over Time

Variable: 1

A list of variables that can be chosen for the query. If plotted, this variable will be plotted along the Y-Axis.

Note:  Only per_element variables can be used for this query type.

Variable: 2

If you leave this blank, TIME will be the default X- Axis variable. If you choose a variable form the list, a scatter plot query will result, and the X-Axis will be the variable you have chosen.


Specifies how many evenly timed moments over the specified range of time steps at which to query (if left blank, you get a sample point at each time step). If you specify more or fewer sample points than the number of time steps, EnSight linearly interpolates between the adjoining time steps. If query is an FFT sampling, the number of frequencies output will be less than or equal to the number of sample points.

Element ID

Specifies an element ID.

Beg/End Time...

Informs you that Begin/End time can be set in the solution time player panel.

Sample By

Opens a pop-up menu for specification of how to report values for Over Time queries. Options are:


reports values versus time.


reports FFT spectral values versus FFT positive frequencies. At IJK Over Time

Figure 5.110: Query/Plot Editor - At IJK Over Time

Query/Plot Editor - At IJK Over Time

Variable: 1

A list of variables that can be chosen for the query. If plotted, this variable will be plotted along the Y-Axis.

Variable: 2

If you leave this blank, TIME will be the default X- Axis variable. If you choose a variable form the list, a scatter plot query will result, and the X-Axis will be the variable you have chosen.


Specifies how many evenly timed moments over the specified range of time steps at which to query (if left blank, you get a sample point at each time step). If you specify more or fewer sample points than the number of time steps, EnSight linearly interpolates between the adjoining time steps. If query is an FFT sampling, the number of frequencies output will be less than or equal to the number of sample points.


Specifies the IJK planes of the desired location.

Beg/End Time...

Informs you that Begin/End time can be set in the solution time player panel

Sample By

Opens a pop-up menu for specification of how to report values for Over Time queries. Options are:


reports values versus time.


reports FFT spectral values versus FFT positive frequencies. At XYZ Over Time

Figure 5.111: Query/Plot Editor - At Cursor Over Time

Query/Plot Editor - At Cursor Over Time

Variable: 1

A list of variables that can be chosen for the query. Choose one variable. If plotted, this variable will be plotted along the Y-Axis.

Variable: 2

If you leave this blank, TIME will be the default X- Axis variable. If you choose a variable form the list, a scatter plot query will result, and the X-Axis will be the variable you have chosen.


Specifies how many evenly timed moments over the specified range of time steps at which to query (if left blank, you get a sample point at each time step). If you specify more or fewer sample points than the number of time steps, EnSight linearly interpolates between the adjoining time steps. If query is an FFT sampling, the number of frequencies output will be less than or equal to the number of sample points.

Get/Set cursor

Get will put the current coordinates of the cursor tool into the x, y and z fields. Set will open up the Transformation Editor (Cursor Tool) dialog for specification of the cursor location. You can of course also set this location using interactive or picking methods.

Beg/End Time...

Informs you that Begin/End time can be set in the solution time player panel

Sample By

Opens a pop-up menu for specification of how to report values for Over Time queries. Options are:


reports values versus time.


reports FFT spectral values versus FFT positive frequencies. At Minimum Over Time

Figure 5.112: Query/Plot Editor - At Minimum Over Time

Query/Plot Editor - At Minimum Over Time

Variable: 1

A list of variables that can be chosen for the query. If plotted, this variable will be plotted along the Y-Axis.

Note:  You can choose more than one variable in the list which is a time-saving feature producing multiple queries at once as EnSight marches through time.

Variable: 2

If you leave this blank, TIME will be the default X- Axis variable. If you choose a variable form the list, a scatter plot query will result, and the X-Axis will be the variable you have chosen.


Specifies how many evenly timed moments over the specified range of time steps at which to query (if left blank, you get a sample point at each time step). If you specify more or fewer sample points than the number of time steps, EnSight linearly interpolates between the adjoining time steps. If query is an FFT sampling, the number of frequencies output will be less than or equal to the number of sample points.

Beg/End Time...

Informs you that Begin/End time can be set in the solution time player panel

Sample By

Opens a pop-up menu for specification of how to report values for Over Time queries. Options are:


reports values versus time.


reports FFT spectral values versus FFT positive frequencies. At Maximum Over Time

Figure 5.113: Query/Plot Editor - At Maximum Over Time

Query/Plot Editor - At Maximum Over Time

Variable: 1

A list of variables that can be chosen for the query. If plotted, this variable will be plotted along the Y-Axis.

You can choose more than one variable in the list which is a time-saving feature producing multiple queries at once as EnSight marches through time.

Variable: 2

If you leave this as blank, TIME will be the default X- Axis variable. If you choose a variable form the list, a scatter plot query will result, and the X-Axis will be the variable you have chosen.


Specifies how many evenly timed moments over the specified range of time steps at which to query (if left blank, you get a sample point at each time step). If you specify more or fewer sample points than the number of time steps, EnSight linearly interpolates between the adjoining time steps. If query is an FFT sampling, the number of frequencies output will be less than or equal to the number of sample points.

Beg/End Time...

Informs you that Begin/End time can be set in the solution time player panel

Sample By

Opens a pop-up menu for specification of how to report values for Over Time queries. Options are:


reports values versus time.


reports FFT spectral values versus FFT positive frequencies. By Part Element Representation

Figure 5.114: Query/Plot Editor - By Part Element Representation

Query/Plot Editor - By Part Element Representation

Variable: 1

A list of variables that can be shosen for the query. Chose one variable. If plotted this variable will be plotted on the Y-Axis.

Variable: 2

You must choose a second variable from this list. Only the same type variable will be available, i.e., if Variable 1 is a element based variable then Variable 2 must also be a element based variable By Scalar Value

Figure 5.115: Query/Plot Editor - by Scalar Value

Query/Plot Editor - by Scalar Value

Variable: 1

A list of variables that can be chosen for the query. Choose one variable. If plotted, this variable will be plotted along the Y-Axis. This is best plotted as a scatter plot.

Variable: 2

A list of variables that can be chosen for the query. If plotted, this variable will be plotted along the X-Axis. This is best plotted as a scatter plot.

Scalar variable

The scalar variable to use.


The value of the Scalar variable to use. This does an integer compare of the value you enter here to the integer of the variable. If int(value you enter) exactly equals the int(variable value) then the Variable1, Variable 2 pair is selected. For example, if you enter a Value of 0.0, then values of the Scalar variable from -0.5 to 0.5 will match. By Constant on Part Sweep

Figure 5.116: Query/Plot Editor - by Constant on Part Sweep

Query/Plot Editor - by Constant on Part Sweep

Variable: 1

A list of constant variables that can be chosen for the query. If plotted, this variable will be plotted along the Y-Axis.

Note:  You can choose more than one variable at a time.

1) Select part to sweep, then [Start]

Instructions to make sure you first select a part that has Variable 1. then clicking [Start] lists the rest of the instructions 2-3, the Delta, Samples, etc.

2) Modify the part to the beginning location/value and select [Set begin] or enter value

Set Begin

Select after moving the sweep part to the beginning location

- or -

Enter the value of the beginning part location and click Enter.

3) Modify the part to the ending location/value and select [Set end] or enter value

Set end

Select after moving sweep part to the ending location

- or -

Enter the value of the ending part location and click Enter.

Alternatively to 2 & 3, enter a delta value


The delta value by which the part will increment(+) or decrement(-) for the number of Samples


Specifies how many evenly sampled increments over the range of the part location at which to query. The number of Samples will either proceed:

Set parts to begin value

Sets the parts at the begin value (useful for increment(+))

Set parts to end value

Sets the parts at the end value (useful for decrement(-)) By Operating on Existing Queries

This allows you to create a new query by operating on one or two existing queries as follows. You can scale a query, add two scaled queries together (scale by -1.0 to subtract), multiply or divide two queries, and integrate/differentiate a single query.

Figure 5.117: Query/Plot Editor - by Operating on Existing Queries

Query/Plot Editor - by Operating on Existing Queries

Operation: Combine/Scale


A single query can be scaled, or two queries can be algebraically added.

Scale Factor

Scale factor for the Query Item selected. The values of the selected query will be multiplied by this factor either before it is added to the second query or before the new query is created (if only operating on a single query).

Query Item

The existing query item(s) to operate on. A new query will be create consisting of scaled values one query, or the scaled, algebraic sum of two queries.

Operation: Differentiate

Change the graphic to actually have the operation as Differentiate.

Query Item

The existing query item(s) to operate on. A new query will be create consisting of the differentiated values of the chosen query.

Operation: Divide

One query can be divided by another.

Scale Factor

Scale factor for the Query Item selected. The values of the selected query will be multiplied by this factor before it is divided by the second query.

Query Item

The existing query item(s) to operate on. A new query will be create consisting of the scaled, division of two queries.

Operation: Integrate

You can integrate an existing query using the Trapezoidal-Romberg method.

Query Item

The existing query item(s) to operate on. A new query will be created consisting of the integration of the values of the chosen query.

Operation: Multiply

One query can be multiplied by another.

Scale Factor

Scale factor for the Query Item selected. The values of the selected query will be multiplied by this factor before it is multiplied by the second query.

Query Item

The existing query item(s) to operate on. A new query will be create consisting of the scaled, multiplication of two queries. Read From an External File

Figure 5.118: Query/Plot Editor - Read from an External File

Query/Plot Editor - Read from an External File

Load XY Data From File

Opens the File Selection dialog from which a previously saved or externally generated query can be retrieved. EnSight's XY data format or MSC Dytran .ths files can be read. Plotters

Plot Tab

Figure 5.119: Feature Panel - Plot

Feature Panel - Plot

Title section


This field allows you to edit the existing plotter title.

Insert Font...

This button brings up a dialog allowing you to pick the desired font. It inserts codes into the text string at the location of the cursor.

Insert Symbol...

This button brings up a matrix of symbols to pick from to allow you to insert symbols into the plotter title.

Font Size

This field allows you to specify the title text size.

RGB Mix...

Color for the Title text may be specified using either the RBG fields or the Color Selector dialog which is opened by clicking the Mix... button.

Axis section

Axis General Tab

Clicking the Axis General tab causes the dialog to configure itself for General Plotter Axis editing.

Swap X and Y axes

Toggle on to swap the x and y axes.

Auto layout axes

Toggle on to automatically layout the origin and size of the axes in the plotter region.

Auto update axes

Rescale axes when timestep is updated. This is useful as you step through time to see the plot scaled to make full use of the area, but this may be a poor choice for making a movie through time because the bounds may jump all around and obscure the interpretation of the curve(s) What you might want is fixed plot bounds, for a transient query over distance, that show your curves over all time. If this is what you want, right-click on the plot origin and choose rescale axes, which can use a small sample of timesteps (max, min and current) or all timesteps (this may take a while to step through all time) to attempt to find fixed bounds that envelop your data over all time.

Horizontal/Vertical axis Origin and Size

If Auto layout is not being used, you can control the origin and scale of the axes in the plotter region. Values range from 0.0 to 1.0 and resulting distances are measured from the left side (or bottom) of the Plotter.

Both Axes

Line Width

A pulldown menu for the specification of the desired line width (1 to 4 Pixels) for Plotter axes.

RGB Mix...

Color for the axes may be specified using either the RBG fields or the Color Selector dialog which is opened by clicking the Mix... button.


Line Width

A pulldown menu for the specification of the desired width (1-4 Pixels) for Gradation Lines or Ticks.

Line Style

A pulldown menu for the specification of the style of line (Solid, Dotted, or Dashed) desired for gradations. (The lines are normally not visible and so this specification is only valid if Grad Type has been selected to Grid in the X-Axis and/or Y-Axis configuration of the Axis Specific Attributes dialog.)

RGB Mix...

Color for the Gradation Lines or Ticks may be specified using either the RBG fields or the Color Selector dialog which is opened by clicking the Mix... button.


Line Width

A pulldown menu for the specification of the desired line width (1-4 Pixels) for Sub-Gradation Lines or Ticks (those between the Gradation Lines or Ticks).

Line Style

A pulldown menu for the specification of the style of line (Solid, Dotted, or Dashed) desired for sub-gradations. (The lines are normally not visible and so this specification is only valid if SubG Type has been selected to Grid in the X-Axis and/or Y-Axis configuration of the Axis Specific Attributes dialog.)

RGB Mix...

Color for the Sub-Gradation Lines or Ticks may be specified using either the RBG fields or the Color Selector dialog which is opened by clicking the Mix... button

Axis Specific Tab

Clicking the Axis Specific Axis tab causes the dialog to configure itself for editing of Attributes specific to either the X or the Y Axis. If X-Axis toggle has been clicked, the dialog will affect the X-Axis attributes only. Likewise for Y-Axis.

Visible Toggle

Toggles on/off the visibility of the X (or Y) Axis line.



This field allows you to edit the existing X (or Y) Axis title.

Font Size

This field allows you to specify the title text size.

Insert Font...

This button brings up a dialog allowing you to pick the desired font. It inserts codes into the text string at the location of the cursor.

Insert Symbol...

This button brings up a matrix of symbols to pick from to allow you to insert symbols into the plotter title.

RGB Mix...

Color for the Title text may be specified using either the RBG fields or the Color Selector dialog which is opened by clicking the Mix... button.

Value Labels



Opens a pop-up menu for selection of desired number (None, All, or Beg/End) of X (or Y) Axis labels.


This field allows you to specify the size of X (or Y) Axis labels


This field allows you to specify a linear or log10 scale for the Axis.


This field contains the minimum value of the X (or Y) Axis. If Auto Axis Scaling is on, it is only an approximation to the value which will be used.


This field contains the maximum value of the X (or Y) Axis. If Auto Axis Scaling is on, it is only an approximation to the value which will be used.


This field specifies the format used to display the X (or Y) Axis. Any C language printf format is valid in this field.


This button will open the Format dialog which allows you to select a pre-defined format.


Grad Type # of

Opens a pop-up menu for selection of desired marker (None, Grid, or Tick) for major gradations. # of field specifies the number of major gradations you wish along the X (or Y) Axis. If Auto Axis Scaling is on, it is only an approximation to the value which will be used.

SubG Type # of

Opens a pop-up menu for selection of desired marker (None, Grid, or Tick) for sub gradations (between the major gradations. # of field specifies the number of sub gradations you wish between each major gradation along the X (or Y) Axis.

Background section

Clicking the Background section causes the dialog to configure itself for Plotter Background editing.


Opens a pop-up menu for the specification of plotter background color. Choices are:

  • None

    no background (the color of the Graphics Window or the viewport underneath will show through the Plotter.

  • Solid

    allows a solid color to be specified for the Plotter Background

RGB Mix...

Color for the Plotter background may be specified using either the RBG fields or the Color Selector dialog which is opened by clicking the Mix... button.


Field or slider to set the opacity of the background.

Border section

Clicking the Border section causes the dialog to configure itself for Plotter Border editing.

Visible Toggle

Toggles on/off the visibility in the other five Modes of the Border for the selected Plotters.

RGB Mix...

Color for the plotter border may be specified using either the RBG fields or the Color Selector dialog which is opened by clicking the Mix... button.

Note:  The border color is not shown while the plotter is selected - while selected the border is shown in green.

Legend section

Clicking the Legend section causes the dialog to configure itself for Plotter Legend editing. The legend shows a line of the appropriate color, width, and marker next to the name of the curve plotted using this line style.

Visible Toggle

Toggles on/off the visibility of the legend for the selected Plotters.

Text Size

This field specifies the desired size of the Legend text.

Origin X Y

These fields specify the location of the Legend within a Plotter's border. Values range from 0.0 to 1.0 and resulting distances are measured from the Border origin (lower left corner). These fields provide an alternative to interactively positioning the plotter Legend

Color by

Can choose to color by the color specified for the query curve, or by specifying the color here.

RGB Mix...

Color for the Legend text may be specified using either the RBG fields or the Color Selector dialog which is opened by clicking the Mix... button.

Show min/max information

Toggle on to have min and max text information added to the plot.

Min/max text size

If displaying min/max information, can specify test size with the field or the slider.

Min/max origin XY

If displaying min/max information, can specify the xy normalized origin location.

Position section

Clicking the Position section causes the dialog to configure itself for Plotter Position.

Origin X Y

These fields specify the location of the selected Plotter within the Graphics Window. Values range from 0.0 to 1.0 and resulting distances are measured from the Graphics Window origin (lower left corner). These fields provide an alternative to interactively positioning the plotter which is done simply by clicking within the Plotter and dragging it to the desired position.

Width, Height

These fields specify the width and height of the Plotter. Resulting distances are measured from the Border origin (lower left corner). These fields provide an alternative to interactively resizing the plotter which is done simply by clicking on a side or corner and dragging.

Marker section

This section is enabled only for plots with transient data.

Animate Curves

When the solution time is changed or streamed (data loaded from disk one step after another) or loaded in the flipbook, toggling this ON will cause the transient curve to plot the data timestep by timestep.

Display Marker

The Marker is a vertical time indicator line that appears only on a transient plot. When the solution time is changed or streamed (data loaded from disk one step after another) or loaded in the flipbook, toggling this ON will cause the vertical line Time Marker to indicate the current timestep value on the plot. Click on the time indicator line and drag it to change the time, and the time indicator line will jump to the next time value on your plot.

Display value

The value at the marker can be displayed by toggling this on.

Line Width

Set the line width of the vertical time indicator line on the transient plot.

Line Style

Set the line style of the vertical time indicator line on the transient plot.


Set the color (RGB values) of the vertical time indicator line on the transient plot.

Quick Action Icons for Plots

When a plot is selected, the following Quick Action Icons are available in the tool ribbon:

With or without icon labels.


Turn visibility of selected plot ON or OFF


Control color of selected plot in color dialog that comes up.

X Axis attrs...

Opens the Plot Axis Specific Tab in the Feature Panel.

Legend visibility

Toggles the visibility of the plot legend.

Border visibility

Toggles the visibility of the plot border.

Swap X/Y Axis

Swaps the x and y axes.