Advanced Usage

All EnSight transformations can be controlled precisely by specifying explicit transforms in the Transformations Editor dialog. To open the dialog, click the Tools Icon BarGraphics window transforms iconTransformations editor... The slider performs the requested transformation (based on the selected transformation action) in the selected viewport(s).

  1. Transform action allows you to select the desired transformation action.

  2. Slider to specify transform.

  3. Which viewport(s) sets (by clicking within the desired region) the viewport that the transform applies to.

  4. Link interactive transforms interactively performs transformations on multiple viewports, Ctrl click on multiple viewports, then toggle on.

  5. Tie viewports to camera, if you have defined cameras, can tie selected viewports to particular cameras.

  6. About axis specifies the axis to which the transform applies

  7. Increment controls the step size for the slider end arrows.

  8. Enter explicit values in the Increment field (and press Return) to transform by a precise amount.

  9. Limit controls the sensitivity and limit of the slider action.

You can also perform scaling in any or all dimensions (to, for example, magnify subtle differences in a surface). Although you cannot perform the scaling operation with the mouse, you can scale using the Transformations dialog. Click the Scale icon in the Transformation Action area and specify the scaling as described above.

You can copy the transformations from one viewport to another. First select the viewport you wish to copy, select Editor FunctionCopy Transformation State, then select the viewport(s) you wish to modify and select Editor FunctionPaste Transformation State.