Other Notes

By default, EnSight uses the left mouse button for performing the selected transformations. You can, however, program the transformation action attached to each mouse button. See Customize Mouse Button Actions for more information.

The transformation operations described here also apply to frame transformations. If additional frames have been created and if operating on frames, then any transform will apply to the currently selected frame. See Create and Manipulate Frames for more information.

Pressing F5, F6, or F7 while the mouse is within the EnSight graphics window or desktop area will transform the scene to show a standard right, top, or front view, respectively. Pressing F8 will return the scene to that which existed prior to F5, F6, or F7 being pressed. Further, holding Ctrl down while pressing F5, F6, or F7 will store the current view to the selected Fx button.

Pressing F9 while the mouse is in the Graphics Window or the desktop area will zoom the display to full screen. Press F9 again to return to the normal display.