Advanced Usage

The following topics are included in this section:

Created Parts

Created parts are saved as changing connectivity. One situation where this might become important is if you choose to save some very large model parts that happen to be static and some created parts that are changing connectivity parts together into one case gold file. All of the parts must be saved as changing connectivity (because the changing geometry attribute is global). Therefore you will find that the combined geometry file for all parts is saved for every timestep, even though the large static model parts don't really change. Also when this saved file is reloaded, every model part is reconstructed at every timestep as if it were changing connectivity, greatly increasing the disk space, the I/O, and the geometry reassembly, and limiting functionality (for example, cannot interpolate between the timesteps). A better solution to this situation is to save the changing connectivity created parts separately as a case gold file, and then the model parts as a separate case gold file and then load them as two separate cases into EnSight.

Rigid Body Transformations Present

Since EnSight does something special with the model timeset when rigid body information is read (via the rigid_body option in the casefile, or from a user-defined reader with rigid_body reading capability), you need to be aware of a few important issues. EnSight assumes that the rigid body timeset encompasses the normal geometry timeset, and it replaces the normal geometry timeset with the rigid body timeset - therefore the following occurs when using this option.

  1. If any created parts are in the list to be saved, EnSight will save as true changing coordinates. Namely, a geometry file containing the coordinates for each part will be saved at each time. Upon re-reading this model, you will be able to duplicate all actions, but it will be done as a true changing coordinate model. In other words, the original rigid_body file nature will not be duplicated.

  2. If the original model had static geometry and rigid body file information - and you do not have any created parts in the list to be saved - saving will preserve the single static geometry and rigid_body file nature of the model. However, if the original model had changing geometry, or if variables have been activated - the number of geometry/variable files saved will be according to the rigid body timeset. This timeset often has many more steps than the original timesets - so be wise about the number of steps you write. It is often important to use the Step by option to control this.

  3. Because of the things mentioned in 1 and 2 above - if you want to use the save geometric entities option in EnSight to translate a rigid body model from a different format into the EnSight format, you may want to consider the following process. First, read in the model without the rigid body transformations, activate the desired variables, and save the model. Second, read in the model with the rigid body transformations, do not activate any variables, and save the model (with a different name). Edit the Casefile of the first model to use the model: and rigid_body: lines of the second casefile instead of the first casefile.