Common Options

The top half of the EnSight Launcher dialog is used to set common options for starting EnSight. Choose between running EnSight with a single Server or multiple Servers. If using multiple Servers, indicate how many Servers should be used.

Server Machine Name specifies the hostname to use for where to run the EnSight Server. Specify localhost for running on the same computer as the EnSight Client. If localhost is not defined on that computer, try This is a common issue on Windows.

If you choose to run the EnSight Server on a different computer, then the remaining options in the common area affect how the remote computer is accessed as well as how the EnSight Client and Server establish communications between each other. If you're not running the EnSight Server on a different computer, then there's no need to change default values for the following options in the common area.

If running the Server(s) on a remote computer, be sure to have the CEI/bin/ directory containing the EnSight executables in your PATH for this version of EnSight. You should verify this by running:

ssh -l username remote_computer_name 'which ensight_server'

where username is your user name on the remote computer and remote_computer_name is the hostname of the remote computer. The command should return the full path to the corresponding version of ensight_server on the remote computer. If it doesn't then you'll need to fix your PATH environment variable on the remote computer so ensight_server can be found.

Note:  As of Ansys version 2022 R2, EnSight defaults to using ssh on Windows instead of plink as it did in previous versions. Starting with Microsoft Windows 10 (with current updates), Windows includes OpenSSH. See Microsoft documentation for setting up ssh on your Windows computer. Similarly to using ssh on Linux and the Mac, EnSight requires passwordless ssh to be configured when connecting to a remote computer via ssh. Before using ssh with EnSight, you should verify that you can successfully run from a cmd.exe shell a command of the form:

ssh -l remote_username remote_hostname which ensight

Where you replace remote_username with your user name on the remote computer, and remote_hostname with the name of the remote computer. If you do not get back a valid pathname to ensight on the remote computer, then you do not have things properly set up and EnSight will not work correctly.

Should you have an older version of Windows, or prefer to use plink instead of ssh, EnSight can still work with plink. Simply specify plink instead of ssh where required. You will have to install plink, include it in your Windows PATH, and have it properly configured for passwordless authentication (same as with previous versions of EnSight).

Specify your user name on the Server computer if needed for remote login.

Typically, you would use ssh for the Remote Spawn Command if running on Linux or macOS. If you're running on Windows, specify plink.exe. You can specify the full pathname to any command that follows ssh syntax.

If you'd like to tunnel the communications between the Client and Server over SSH (or plink.exe), toggle on Tunnel Client connection over SSH. This is frequently needed if the Client computer is running a firewall blocking inbound connections on TCP IP port 1106, or when the Client's hostname is not known by the computer specified by Server Machine Name. This frequently happens when the Client computer acquires a hostname and/or TCP IP address dynamically.

You can choose whether the Server connects to the Client (default), or if the Client connects to the Server. Choosing between the two may make dealing with firewalls easier.

If the Server connects to the Client and if the Client's hostname is not known by the Server's computer, then toggle on the option to use the Client's IP address. This is not needed if tunneling the communication or if you've elected to have the Client connect to the Server.