Displaying Far-Field Patterns

Far-field patterns display the radiated electric field, gain and other antenna parameters versus angle, as observed on an infinite sphere. Specifically, the far field radiation pattern of an antenna is used to quantify how an antenna preferentially emits electromagnetic radiation in some directions over others.

  1. In the Results arc, click Far-Field Pattern.
  2. Use the slider to change the maximum and minimum threshold of far-fields to be displayed.
  3. Select a variable and specify the frequency and other options in the Results legend.
    1. Select the electromagnetic frequency.
    2. Select a variable from the Results Legend list to display far-field results. You can select from Gain, Directivity, Realized Gain, rE, or Axial Ratio.
    3. Select the variable option to display. You can select from Total, RHCP, LHCP, Theta, Phi, L3X, L3Y, X, Y, or Z.
  4. Select the dB scaling to display.
    Note: dB scaling is turned on by default. The far-field colors and shape change when dB scaling is toggled.
    Tip: Click Show mesh in the Results arc to display the mesh. You can see the FDTD grid. Optionally, export a 3D scene. You must turn off the mesh display and only show the far-field pattern.