Creating and Exporting Saved Scenes Snapshots to ZIP

Use the export function to save snapshots to a ZIP archive:

  • Export 2D and 3D snapshots.
  • Export the snapshots for the current simulation, stage, and run.
  • Generate missing snapshots for the current variation before export.

To create and export a snapshot, you will need at least one saved scene in your gallery.

  1. Select Snapshot Saved Scenes from the Scene dropdown in the Simulation tab to manually generate saved scene snapshots. Alternatively, configure Discovery for automatic snapshot generation.
    Discovery animates the "snapshooting" so you can see the progress.
  2. To export, select Export Snapshots to ZIP from the dropdown.
  3. A save file dialog prompts for a file name and location to save.
Limitation: Scene snapshots must be generated within the current session if they are to be exported to ZIP.