Automatic Capture of Scenes for Viewing

Whether working in Refine or in Explore with defined variations, Discovery captures your saved scene settings with the results, and creates a new 2D snapshot. For cases in which you cannot capture a scene without forcing a re-solve, click Snapshot Saved Scenes from the Scene dropdown menu in the ribbon to take a snapsho of all defined scenes with the current results and store it with the project.

Note: When new snapshots are taken, the matrix and viewer must be closed and re-opened for the new snapshots to become available.

Capturing Scenes Manually

  1. Navigate to Settings > Results > Saved Scene Results to select Save snapshots to file and set Exclude scenes older than n runs. This value determines how many snapshots from the Saved scene snapshot matrix are included in a project when you save it. The value is set to 3 by default, but you can specify a value from 0 to 10.

  2. Click Save Current Scene from Scene dropdown in the Simulation tab or in the top right of the graphics window.
  3. Click Solve to solve the simulation in Refine or Update in the defined Variations table.
  4. Select Snapshot Saved Scenes from the Scene dropdown in the Simulation tab to generate saved scene snapshots. Discovery animates the "snapshooting" so you can see the progress.
  5. To export, select Export Snapshots to ZIP from the dorpdown.
  6. A save file dialog prompts for a file name and location to save.