Editing a Queue

You can edit an existing queue if you have 'Modify' permission on the queue.

  1. In the navigation panel, under Configurations, select Cluster.

  2. Open the cluster configuration containing the queue to edit. Click the cluster name, or in the Actions cell of the cluster, click ... and select Open.

  3. Open the queue to edit. Click the queue name, or in the Actions cell of the queue, click ... and select Open.

  4. On the queue details page, edit the queue as desired:

    • To edit the queue name, click   next to the queue name and enter the new queue name.

    • To edit queue details, click Edit details.

      In the Edit queue details dialog box, change the settings as appropriate. For a description of available settings, see Adding a Queue.

    • To edit the permissions that users and groups have on the queue, select the Permissions tab, then click Edit Permissions. For more information see Setting Permissions on a Queue.

    • To add products to a queue, use the functions in the Products section. For details see Defining Products.

  5. Click Save. The queue is updated.