Adding a Queue

You can manually add a queue to the Queues table of a cluster configuration.

  1. In the navigation panel, under Configurations, select Cluster.

  2. Open the cluster configuration to which you want to add a queue. Click the cluster name, or in the Actions cell of the cluster, click ... and select Open.

  3. In the Queues section, click Add queue.

  4. In the Add queue to cluster dialog box, specify the following settings:

    Queue nameThe name that appears in the Queues table. Do not use the name of an existing queue.
    Cluster queue nameThe name of an existing HPC queue.
    DescriptionThe description that appears in the Queues table.
    Minimum cores per jobThe minimum number of CPU cores to be requested for a job.
    Maximum cores per jobThe maximum number of CPU cores that can be used by a job.
    Cores per nodeThe total number of CPU cores per compute node.
    StorageA configured file storage location.
    EnvironmentAdditional environment variables for batch job execution.
  5. Click Add. The queue is added to the cluster configuration.

You can now test the queue.