1.1. Overview of Solution Data Available from CHEMKIN

The objective of post-processing is the analysis and/or extraction of data obtained from the Ansys Chemkin simulations. The analysis may be as simple as comparing a set of scalar values or may require 2-D and 3-D plotting and contour capabilities. In some cases, we want to make derived calculations based on the raw Chemkin outputs.

There are three types of outputs produced by the Ansys Chemkin reactor simulations:

  • Solution File (zip file).

    This file, which by default is named XMLdata_<project_name>.zip, is a compressed, XML-formatted text file comprised of multiple blocks of information. The information includes the independent and dependent variables in the system as well as any sensitivity data that was requested in the problem setup.

    By using an XML format, we provide a generalized format that all of our reactor models can read and write. Each Solution File is comprised of a header block and multiple data blocks. Each block (XMLdata1.zip, etc.) is compassed, separately, but the blocks must be read consecutively and seamlessly to process the entire file as an XML-formatted stream. The Ansys Chemkin installation includes such a SAX-based XML parser program which is used by our simulation, export, and post-processing programs when working with the Solution File. The purpose of breaking the file into multiple zipped blocks is to allow large data sets to be compressed into smaller files without overwhelming the machine resources for memory during the file operations.

    There are a number of derived values calculated as part of the post-processing. These values are not found within the Solution File itself and are created on the fly, using the solution data and the Ansys Chemkin utilities. Table 1.1: Output Variables Created by Derived Calculations in the Visualizer lists the derived variables that are routinely or optionally calculated for the applicable reactor models.

  • Diagnostic Output File (.out).

    A text file listing the simulation inputs, the progress of the solution and some or all of the outputs. This is useful for a quick inspection/review and also contains any error messages generated by the application. The diagnostic output file should not be used for any post-processing or batch processing, as the format of the output is not a fixed format and may vary from one solution to another.

  • Pre-parsed, comma-separated input files for the Visualizer (.ckcsv).

    These files are created by the post-processing step of the Parameter Study facility. They contain the aggregation of results from multiple parameterized runs of the simulation. These files are in a special format that is easily loaded by the Visualizer. They contain the derived values, as requested, that are detailed in Table 1.1: Output Variables Created by Derived Calculations in the Visualizer .

Note:  Note that including sensitivity data or rate-of-production data during post-processing may result in problems involving too much memory requirements during the solution processing. For large mechanisms, consider reducing the amount of sensitivity data using the "SEN" option as described in the Chemkin Input Manual and selecting only a subset of sensitivity or ROP data during data selection for solution post-processing.

Note:  If your objective is to extract the Ansys Chemkin results as an intermediate step to pass to an external program or scripting step, we provide data extraction utilities that can extract all or a subset of Solution File data into either a parsed file (.ckcsv) or further into multiple comma-separated values files that are easily loaded into Excel or other 3rd-party utilities. Please refer to the information on command-line and batch-programming options for extracting solution file information.

Table 1.1: Output Variables Created by Derived Calculations in the Visualizer



Applicable Reactor Models

Dry Mass Fraction

Gas-phase species mass fractions, based on the total moles of the gas minus water vapor.


Dry Mole Fraction

Gas-phase species mole fractions, based on the total moles of the gas minus water vapor.



The indicated mean effective pressure. IMEP considers only the work done between IVC and EVO in the IMEP calculation. The definition is consistent with indicated work and indicated power. There is no assumption about the cycle. IMEP is calculated as:


in which is indicated work, is the displacement volume, calculated as:


IC Engine

Indicated Work

The indicated work of a cylinder is given by the average product of the normal force on the face of the piston and the piston velocity. It is calculated as the integral of PdV, where P is the pressure and dV is the differential volume.

For a description of cycle/gross indicated work, see the tutorial,"Spark-Ignition Engine Simulation for Knock," in the Chemkin Tutorials.

IC Engine

Mixture Enthalpy

Mass averaged enthalpy of mixture


Molar Conversion

Percentage conversion of gas-phase species based on: (1) initial and final mole fraction in the case of a closed reactor, or (2) inlet and outlet mass flux in the case of an open reactor.

All Closed Homogeneous, PSR, PFR, and Shear Flow Reactors

Net Heat Production from Gas-Phase Reactions

The net heat production from a gas-phase reaction is the sum of the rate of heat production from all gas-phase species involved in this reaction. The rate of heat production from a gas-phase species in a reaction is the product of the contribution of the reaction to the production rate of the species and the enthalpy of the species.


Normal Strain Rate

Local rate of change in the axial velocity with respect to distance.

Opposed Flow Flame and CVD Reactors

Parts Per Million CO Dry Basis

The Gas-phase volumetric fraction of CO expressed in parts per million, after removing the volumetric contribution of water.

All Closed Homogeneous, PSR, PFR, and Premixed Flame Reactors

Parts Per Million CO Dry Basis 15% O2 Correction

The Gas-phase volumetric fraction of CO expressed in parts per million, after removing the volumetric contribution of water and correcting to 15% Oxygen

All Closed Homogeneous, PSR, PFR, and Premixed Flame Reactors

Parts Per Million NO Dry Basis

The Gas-phase volumetric fraction of NO expressed in parts per million, after removing the volumetric contribution of water. The defining equation is the analogous to the equation for CO.

All Closed Homogeneous, PSR, PFR, and Premixed Flame Reactors

Parts Per Million NO Dry Basis 15% O2 Correction

The Gas-phase volumetric fraction of NO expressed in parts per million, after removing the volumetric contribution of water and correcting to 15% Oxygen. The defining equation is the analogous to the equation for CO.

All Closed Homogeneous, PSR, PFR, and Premixed Flame Reactors

Parts Per Million NOx Dry Basis

The Gas-phase volumetric fraction of NOx expressed in parts per million, after removing the volumetric contribution of water. The defining equation is the analogous to the equation for CO, but NOx includes the volumetric contributions of NO, NO2 and N2O.

All Closed Homogeneous, PSR, PFR, and Premixed Flame Reactors

Parts Per Million NOx Dry Basis 15% O2 Correction

The Gas-phase volumetric fraction of NOx expressed in parts per million, after removing the volumetric contribution of water and correcting to 15% Oxygen. The defining equation is the analogous to the equation for CO., but NOx includes the volumetric contributions of NO, NO2 and N2O.

All Closed Homogeneous, PSR, PFR, and Premixed Flame Reactors

Rate of Production

Species rates of production are calculated based on the local chemical state at each time or position point in the solution. Values are given in per-volume units for gas-phase reactions and per-surface-area for surface reactions. Contributions to net species production rates by each reaction or total production rates can be selected. Note that selecting to include contributions from all reactions may result in too much data to process in the Visualizer, so should be used with caution when the mechanism is large.


Sensible Enthalpy

Mass averaged enthalpy minus mass averaged enthalpy at STP.


Shear Strain Rate

Local rate of change in the "scaled" radial velocity (v/r) with respect to distance.

Opposed Flow Flame and CVD Reactors

Speed of Sound

The speed of sound traveling through the mixture.


Unburned Hydrocarbons

The Unburned Hydrocarbons (UH) value is defined as

where nC i is the number of carbon atoms per molecule in species i, and X i is the mole fraction of species i. Here, hydrocarbons are those molecules that contain one or more of both the elements carbon (C) and hydrogen (H), and no other elements.

All Closed Homogeneous, PSR, and PFR Reactors

Volatile Organic Compounds

The Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC) value is defined as:

where nC i is the number of carbon atoms per molecule in species i, and X i is the mole fraction of species i. Here, a volatile organic compound is defined as a species containing one or more of both the elements carbon (C) and hydrogen (H), but the molecule may include other elements, such as oxygen (O) or nitrogen (N).
