Chapter 2: The Graphical Post-Processor

The Visualizer is launched from within the Ansys Chemkin interface from the Analyze Results panel, using the Plot Results option, with the Use Chemkin Visualizer option checked. The basic workflow for visualization is to load .ckcsv or .csv file(s), display plots, and optionally export a subset of data for subsequent use. The Chemkin Visualizer does not directly read or process Chemkin solution files ( because the Analyze Results capability in the Chemkin interface handles this task. This chapter describes how to operate the Visualizer to accomplish these tasks:

  • Choose data for graphical display

  • Edit the properties of a plot

  • Choose from available data sources

This section provides a more complete description of the elements of the Ansys Chemkin Graphical Visualizer. The information here includes descriptions of menus and buttons as well as hints on program features.