2.5.3. Unit Settings

Figure 2.57: Preferences > Units shows the Units tab. This tab allows users to customize the default physical units used for each of the model input variables in the Ansys Chemkin Interface, as well as for the presentation of data in the Chemkin Visualizer. User defaults are initially set the same as Chemkin default units, which are generally based on cgs (centimeters, grams, sec) with a few exceptions. SI units refer to Système International d’Unit’s (meters, kilograms, seconds).

Figure 2.57: Preferences > Units

Preferences > Units

Note:  The Units tab in the Preferences panel control default units displayed in the Ansys Chemkin Interface and Chemkin Visualizer. Users can override these defaults for any individual input parameter using the pull-down menu provided for that parameter on the input panel. In addition, units for post-processing can be overridden for a specific post-processing session, using the Units tab available during data selection when a solution file is opened.